One last time

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Robert felt horrified. He was rooted to the spot, and if he was religious, he would have been praying. Five minutes ago, everything was fine. He was sitting on the sofa and watching top gear with Aaron. Then he went to the bathroom, and noticed blood. Too much blood. And now he doesn't know what to do. Is he losing the baby? Is this normal? This is what happened last time. He couldn't face it again. He wouldnt face it again. And that's what spurred him into action. He ran downstairs. 'Aaron, we've got to go to the hospital. I'm bleeding'. Aaron was on his feet in less than a second. He grabbed the keys and rushed Rob to the car. 'Are you okay?' He asks Robert. Robert shakes his head and lets the tears fall. I Cant do this again. It nearly killed me last time. It will kill me this time.' Aaron reached for his hand. 'Hey, stop thinking like that. Everything will be fine. And if it's not, we'll get through it together. Do you hear me? You are the strongest person I know. We will be fine. The baby will be fine.' Robert nodded and relaxed slightly. They stopped the car and rushed into A&E. Aaron called for urgent attention and Robert was immediately ushered into an examination room. They explained the situation to the doctor and he checked everything and then went to get an ultrasound machine. He took it back to the room and put the gel on Robert's stomach. They waited for a few seconds and finally they heard the steady thump of the babys heart. The doctor said, 'well Robert, everything's fine! The bleeding you experienced, we dont have an explanation for, but as male pregnancies are less common, we dont have much information. But you and the baby are fine.' Robert could feel the relief flowing through his body and before he knew it, he was a sobbing mess on the bed, clutching onto Aaron for support. Aaron looked equally as shocked and relieved. Eventually they gathered themselves up and went home. They curled up on the couch together and watched a film.

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