Robert's Fears

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Aaron's eyes slowly fluttered open. He squinted at the sunlight, completely disoriented. Then, with a jolt, he remembered the events of the day before. He looked overat his husbands sleeping form. His husband. Aaron doesnt know if he'll ever get used to that word. He snuggles into Roberts arms, leaning his head on Rob's chest. He can feel himself getting emotional,  he's worked so hard to get here. The man he loves more than anything is beside him. His wedding had gone smoothly (as could he expected with the dingles there). He had exchanged vows with Robert. He had eaten dinner with his mum, Liv and even Cain beaming at him.  He had chuckled along with everyone at Adams best mans speech. Liv's (hastily prepared) speech had been a highlight, though. She talked about things that she had experienced with Robert, that Aaron hadn't even known about. She started crying halfway through and had to stop. It was so out of character but Aaron had been touched. Touched that his little sister loved Robert as much as he did. He'd been forced to dance. He had thought it would be awfully embarrassing, but when he stepped onto the dance floor with his beautiful husband, everyone else melted away, and it was just them. And now he is in bed, looking at the most beautiful person in the world. He gently nudges Robert who opens his eyes and is instantly beaming. He presses a kiss to Aarons lips and they make conversation for a few minutes, when they decide to get up and get breakfast. Robert checks his phone. Its 10 am, but he didnt have a hangover, neither of them had gotten drunk, they didn't want to forget any part of their wedding night. And he was glad of it. They both spruced themselves up in the bathroom and go downstairs where they Are met by a loud cheer. Aarons mum is there, with Liv tucked in underneath her arm. Liv looks radiant, as usual. They all sit down and order breakfast.

After breakfast, Aaron and Robert go for a walk around the lake and in the woods. It was Robert's idea to bring a picnic. Aaron had protested but he didn't really mean it.  They had a few hours before they had to check out and go to the airport. This time, it was Robert who didn't know their destination. And now he was trying to wheedle it put of Aaron, who wasn't relenting. 'Please tell me, Aaron. I'll let you do anything to me' Robert asks with a wink 'You'll let me do anything to you anyway' Aaron Replied. Robert smirks and nods. They finish their picnic, and check out of the hotel.   They jump into Robert's Car, and Aaron drives. This is a real show of trust, as Robert normally never lets anyone drive his car.  Chas had driven it to the hotel yesterday and Robert had been on edge.Aaron had them at the airport in no time, and he let Robert pick a parking space, as far away from other cars as they could get. They go to the check-in desk, and Aaron hands the lady their information and says 'Hi. We'd like to check in our luggage to this location. Please dont say the place out loud as my husband doesn't know where we are going.' There it was again . Husband. Aaron shook himself out of his trance and the lady had them checked in.  They went for a few pints in the airport bar, then they went to boarding gate 210.  Aaron handed Robert the tickets. Robert opened the envelope, and Aaron was tense, wondering if he had gotten the location right. 'VENICE' Robert shouted, at the top of his voice. Aaron recoiled a bit, thinking he had gotten it wrong, but Robert pulled him into one of his famous hugs. They soon sat down and made general chit-chat about their holiday, their wedding and their wedding night, which made Aaron go beet red.
It was soon time to get on the plane. The two of them had their passports checked, and walked down the tunnel hand in hand. With every step that took them to the plane, Aaron could feel Robert slow down till they were at a standstill. Aaron looked at Rob questioningly. He was surprised to see that his husband had tears in his eyes. 'Hey, whats up darling?' He asks Gently.  Robert looks up at him through teary eyes. "I'm scared of flying, Aaron. Chrissie always used to book us on separate rows, so that she could sleep. She usually got upgraded to business class if she threw a big enough strop. She left me on my own when i was afraid.' Aaron couldn't believe what he was hearing. He says, with conviction "Rob, i'm not Chrissie. I'm not going to leave you on your own. We will be fine, I promise. We're sitting together, and we're flying economy, same as I normally do.' Roberts worry dissipated slightly. He nodded curtly, and continued walking with Aaron. They got into their plane, and sat  where they were supposed to. Robert had an aisle seat so that he didn't feel trapped. Robert was paying particular attention to the safety demonstration, and Aaron didn't stop him. Robert still hadn't mentally recovered from their crash.  The pilot spoke through the intercom, and Robert tensed up again when it was time to take off. Aaron took his hand. "Hey. You with me?' Robert nodded. This is what Aaron does best. Keeps him grounded when he needs it. The plane took off, and slowly, Robert realized that Aaron would stay true to his word, and stay with him. They later landed and Robert looked relieved to have his feet on solid ground again. They got a cab to their hotel, and they checked in. Robert was back to his bouncy self. He opened the hotel door with the card, and held the door for Aaron, then waltzed in himself. Aaron put his bags on the floor and turned around to a smirking Robert Dingle. 'What might you be smirking at?' He asks, knowing full well. Robert practically runs to Aaron and places a sloppy kiss on his lips. It starts to deepen, and this leads to more excitement.
Later, when their need for each other has been sated, they lie in the bed cuddled up. Robert was basking in his love for Aaron. He had his head on Aaron's chest and was listening to his heartbeat. He was happy.

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