Christmas ❤️

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The cold is what wakes him up. An unnatural cold. Aaron blearily rubs his eyes and turns over, to kiss Robert and cuddle for a while, seeing as it was a Sunday and he had nothing to do. He's quite startled when he turns and Robert's already awake. Robert smiles at him 'Sorry Baby, you just looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you'
Aaron smiles and kisses him.

Later they get up. Aaron's still thinking about how Robert was looking at him.
He knows he's having a bad day, and he can't explain why. He starts to dress himself and glances down at his torso. It's his first bad day in ages, and the sight of his scars just throws him. Robert's quietly observing. He see's Aaron's face crumple, and he rushes over. Aaron covers himself and it makes Roberts heart hurt. 'Baby, what's wrong?' Aaron doesn't respond. Robert gently pulls Aaron's arms from his stomach. He traces his fingers over some of the scars and he can feel Aaron's  shuddering breaths. He tries again. 'Baby. What's wrong? I love you'
Aaron looks up at him, 'Rob I honestly dont know. I wasn't feeling good this morning and my scars just threw me.' Roberts tears are falling freely, along with Aaron's.
'Aaron, you have me reason to feel ashamed. You're so beautiful. I love you more than life. All of these scars show how strong you are. And maybe it wasn't the best way of dealing with things, but you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Do you hear me? So so beautiful. And you're not just your body. You're kind, caring, smart and you love harder than anyone I know.' Aaron looks shocked, but not convinced. Robert continues 'Do you know what always used to make me feel better?' Aaron shook his head. 'A nice hot chocolate. Come on, I'll make you one.' Both of them headed downstairs and Robert made a hot chocolate. Aaron was sitting at the table. He looked at Robert and then spoke 'you know, you never cease to amaze me. You could have let me do that on my own, but you didn't. You made me feel wanted, and Loved. Thank you so much. Robert looks astonished and says 'Babe, don't ever thank me. I wouldn't not do that, especially to the man I love. And I do love you, Aaron. So much.'
'I love you too. And I have an idea' Aaron replies. 'Oh yeah?' Asks Rob. 'Yes! Let's get the Christmas decorations down. There's less than a week, you know! 'So thats how Robert found himself rooting around in the attic for their tree. He eventually got it down and they put it up in the living room. They eventually untangled the lights and put them on the tree. They were listening to Christmas music when Aaron grabbed Robert. 'I know it's not really my thing, but, will you dance with me?'  Robert smiles and pulls Aaron in. They sway slowly to 'Mistletoe' by Justin Bieber and Robert leans his chin in Aaron's curls. Aaron hugs him tight and at the end of the song they kiss. 'Do you know,' Rob begins 'That song reminds me of us. Because I'd rather be here with you than anywhere else'.  They  finish decorating the tree, and they sit and watch 'The Fast and The Furious' , Aaron's choice, because Robert wanted him to feel special. Aaron had never loved Robert more than he did in that moment.

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