George Lovelace*Halloween

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This is technically part three to the secret boyfriend imagines but I don't think you need to read them to read this. All you need to know is the readers a Lightwood.

"This is Halloween! This is Halloween! Pumpkins scream in the dead of night!" Was all I could hear coming out of my boyfriend's room.

"Shut that racket up!" I shout coming through the door. Now that's what I didn't expect to see: George jumping up and down on the bed in a torn-up dress thingy and Simon putting white makeup all over his face and neck. "What the fu-"

"Language." George scolded. "Jon Cartwright Jr. might hear."

"It's English and that rats probably heard worse. And now seen worse." I crossed my arms. "What the hell is going on here?"

"Halloween prep," Simon said casually.

"Really? Isn't that the stupid holiday where mundane's try to scare each other? Sounds pretty dumb." I took a seat on George's bed. George jumped from the bed he was jumping on and Simon gasped.

"How dare you insult Hallows eve!" George pointed a finger accusingly at me. "Blasphemy!"

"What? It's just some kid holiday." I shrugged.

"I think we should see other people," George said with a straight face. Even Simon rolled his eyes.

"It's not just a kid's holiday," Simon said from his makeup station. "it's a time of year when you can pretend to be anyone or anything and scare the crap out of people."

"And get free sweets," George added.

"That too." I raised an eyebrow.

"And that involves whatever you two are wearing?"

George smoothed out his ripped dress. "This," He indicated to his clothes. "is a costume. I'm going as a witch and Si's going as a vampire."

"I thought you'd already done that?" I raised an eyebrow jokingly.

"Shut up." He grumbled.

"At least he isn't going as a rat."

"Hey!" We both laughed at Si.

After a few moments, I spoke up again. "I still don't see the appeal of Halloween." I frowned slightly. "It seems ...."

"Mundane?" George suggested and I looked away. "I get it, you were raised a Lightwood. They weren't exactly fond of mundanes. But now you've got us," George slung an arm around Si's shoulder only to have him push it off. "to teach you the wonders of Halloween."

I groaned slightly. "Do I need to wear a costume?" Simon and George looked at each other before smirking. "No. I don't know what you're planning but no." I started to get up to go to the door but they attacked me! George grabbed my arms and pulled me over the bed before pinning me down.

"Simon! Get the wench a costume!" George laughed at my struggles.

"No!" I cried out. While Si was gathering my torture device George started tickling me. "No, stop. I hate you." I half laughed half cried.

"Never.  I always knew you were ticklish." Simon eventually came over with the torture.

"Fairy or werewolf?" Simon held up two costumes. The fairy one barely counted as a costume though. It was tiny!


"Fairy." Me and George said at the same time.

"I'm not going as a fairy. Theirs barely a costume there!"

"Exactly." He grinned.

"Simon slap him for me." He did. "Do you really want everyone to see me in essentially my underwear? Even Jon Cartwright?"

"Werewolf," George turned to Simon. "differently werewolf."

"Now get off me so I can change. Because you are certainly not doing that."

"Aww." George whinned but got off.

"You two sicken me," Simon complained, flinging me the costume.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked....strange. I had on baggy ripped jeans, one of George's flannels open over a ripped top. They had also given me a werewolf mask. They started banging on the door. "Hurry up!"

I sighed, put the mask on and stepped out. I crossed my arms at their laughter. "It's not funny! I look-"

"Amazing." George cut me off. I took the mask off and looked at Georges' hair.

"Is that...glitter?" George nodded. I suddenly caught on and groaned. "Were dressing up as downworlders aren't we?"

"Yup, but more specifically Magnus Bane," He pointed to himself. "Raphael Santiago," He pointed to Simon who was now in his 'vampire' costume to match his face. "and Luke Garroway."

"Or Maia. It's up to you." Simon added. "It's a shame we don't have a Seelie queen. That would complete the look."

"Want to go kidnap Beatriz?" I asked.

"Do you think she would?" Simon asked while George seemed to be contemplating something.

"Dunno," I shrugged. "she likes you so maybe."

"I'm with Izzy." He frowned. I shrugged.

"Yes, so? You don't need to date her, Izzy would kill me for suggesting that. All you need to do is ask."

"I have a plan!" George jumped on the bed scaring the hell out of us. "Halloween is a time for pranks so let's go make Cartwright dress up as the unbeloved Seelie queen." Simon and I looked at each other. We both shrugged.


"Go for it."

"To the toad's room!" George pointed to the door. We sighed and began our march....

There will be another part to this in which they kidnap Jon and make him the Seelie queen. Stay tuned. Hope this was what you wanted.

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