Alec*Messed up plans

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A/N: The answers to the A/N will be up later tonight.

Alec X Shadowhunter! Reader

(Platonic) Izzy X Parabatai! Reader

Dating and being apart of the shadowworld was tough. It's just something that came along with it. There was always something; Valentine, Sebastian, feuds. It was never a quiet week.

Alec and I have been dating for a little over 2 years now and it was Valentine's day. We still wanted to do something even though the name Valentine hung in the air like a bad smell. All I really wanted was to spend time with my boyfriend. That's not how life works.

There was some kind of feud between some werewolf clans that Alec had to deal with. I was given more missions than normal today. I think it's because Clary and Jace left first thing claiming to be ill. In reality, they took the day off to do coupley things.

Izzy was still here but was in Idris during the day due to some clave thing. By the time Alec and I had finished all our work for the day we didn't have the energy to go out.

"I'm sorry about today," Alec mumbled into my hair. We were laying in his bed cuddling.

I snuggled in closer to him. "It's fine, babe. It's not like it's your fault anyway."

"I'm gonna kill Jace." He grumbled. I chuckled lightly. "I wanted to take you out for our first proper valentines day."

"What were we going to do anyway?" I yawned.

He smiled lightly "I was going to surprise you and take you to that mundane restaurant you like. Then I found out there was some carnival near the docks so I was going to try to win you a stuffed bear. After that, I figured we'd just walk around together for a bit. Maybe get some ice cream. Then come back here and well, you know..."

"Sounds perfect."

His face scrunched up "It was going to be. But instead, Jace decided to ditch with Clary with no warning. If they'd just stayed we all would've been done by dinner time."

"I know babe." I can see the stress weighing on him. I begin to run my fingers through his hair to try to calm him done. "We can still do something?" it came out as more of a question.

He sighed and hugged me closer. "No. Now I'm so tired I just want to lay with you. We can just hide out here forever."

"What about food?" he didn't answer. "I should probably go to my room before Maryse comes to kick me out," I said, noticing the time. Mayrse said it was indecent for us to share a room so she would always come to check on us. If I didn't leave she would come back every 15 minutes to make sure we weren't doing anything.

Alec groaned, burying his head into my shoulder. "No" he whined.

"I know babe. I wish we could stay like this forever."

"Why not?" He asked.


Alec lifted his head up to look at me seriously. "Why can't we? Stay like this? I want to be able to wake up next to you and fall asleep the same way. I want to be able to see your beautiful face whenever I want." He was silent for a moment, looking down at his hands. I assumed his awkward, bashful side was coming out. The adorkable Lightwood I fell in love with. I was wrong. "One day," he started, fidgeting with something. "maybe when we're a bit older, will you marry me?"

"Alec," I murmur, my hand going up to caress his face. "Of course I will."

He brought something up and took my hand. "Its probably a bit big, but here," he slid his family ring onto my finger and tears pricked my eyes. "One day, I promise, I will marry you."

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