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Requested by lelleigh44   Hopefully it's what you wanted :)

"Jay?" I turn to my older brother, holding my hand out, "Please hold my hand,"

Jay nods, taking my 8-year-old hand into his larger 8-year-old. Our father had just died, leaving us as essentially with nowhere to go. Officials reluctantly took us in and moved our house to house for what felt like forever, but Jay said was a month and a half. Apparently, they were having trouble finding us a place.

Eventually, our constant moving stopped as we were told the Lightwoods offered to take us in. even jay didn't know much about the lightwoods. Probably why his face is colder than the marble tombs in the silent city. His face made me put on my best Stoney face as well. "We'll manage Jay,"

Jay nodded, a smile finally tugging at the corner of his lips for the first time in weeks, "I know. Stick with me and we'll be okay,"

"I know," I copied. He rolled his eyes.

We stepped through the portal, an older clave member behind us, with a bag each in our hand. We were greeted by an annoyed looking boy, a bored looking girl, a reluctant looking man, and a smiling woman with long black hair. She at least looked somewhat nice.

"These are the Way lands. Johnathan," he pointed his bony finger at my brother, "and (Y/N). Goodbye Robert, Maryse," he nodded his head towards them and stepped back through the portal.

"Welcome kids. This is Alec and Isabelle. Max is napping right now." Maryse smiled. She looked at her kids, nudging them, "Kids! Introduce yourselves," she tried to whisper but Jace and I shared a look.

The boy shook his head, still refusing to look at us, his long fringe falling in his face. The girl sighed, looking up at us, suddenly perking, "It's a girl," she grinned. A smile crept on Roberts' face while mine screwed up in confusion, "I'm Isabelle!" she held her hand out to me, shaking my hand enthusiastically, "That's Alec, he's boring as rune study. Max is cute but whines a lot. And mum makes delicious pancakes! Who's he?"

"My brother," I nudge Jay, but he shrugs me off.

Isabelle grinned, whispering to me "He's cute," I fake threw up and she laughed. Spotting my painted nails her smile seemed to grow, "You like nails?" I nod, "Makeup? Clothes?"

I shrug, self-conscious, "I mean yeah but I wasn't allowed."

"This is gonna be so fun. Bye boys!" Isabelle grabbed my hand, dragging me off somewhere. Jay grabbed my wrist, trying to stop us despite my grin, "Don't worry. I won't kill her," he said nothing. She sighed, "Alec take Jace to do whatever boys do,"

I turned to Jay, giving him a smile, "I'll be fine. I promise. Go train or something," I said before whispering, "Make a friend. We didn't get to before,"

It was true. Id barely ever met someone my own age apart from Jace. I love him but I want to have friends, and he does too.

After small baby steps, Jay managed to make friends with the Lightwoods and the nickname Jace was born. It's actually pretty nice. I, however, dove in the deep end, instantly bonding with Isabelle. We had nicknames, hers being Belle, secret handshake, gossip conversations, and sleepovers. Alec, however, was kinda a different story.

Now he got on good with Jace, great even. They even became parabatai. I'm 16 and he's 17, because my birthday wasn't that long ago and his was soon coming, so we've known each other 7 years. He wasn't mean to me, he was never rude, sometimes he was even funny and would join in on games and conversations. He even gave me extra training to raise my level. But sometimes he just...stopped.

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