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Life is unfair

I'm gasping for air

From all this hate and disgust

I'm all alone in the dust


One summer, one day

I went over to play

Told me to get out of the house because I have no friends

I cried up until the curb end


I sat all day, waiting for someone to say:

Stop crying. Are you okay?

Nobody came

I sat there in shame


Later that summer I went over again

To play with other friends

One girl I seen

Said: you’re stupid, ugly, and mean


Tried to hide back the tears

But I let out the fear

All younger than me, but so vain 

Nothing would ever be the same


When summer did end,

we still were not friends

And I was happy to go

Where mean people do not show


Boy, was I wrong to know

Mean people wouldn’t show

They are everywhere

Down in the ground and up in the air


Girls called me uncool

It was their group that ‘ruled’

People aren’t always who you expect them to be

Listen closely, then you’ll see


All the girls who supposedly ‘rule’

And whom all the boys drool

Pick us last for the team

And first to leave


They told me I stunk at everything

When they aren’t even good at anything


Told us not to interact

They're mean and don't know how to act


Some of them used to be my friends

They’re traitors - let the friendship end

Some were just always plain mean

And this is a horrible sight to be seen

Let’s face it - you can’t have your way

people will be mean every day

Those people will be mean till the end of time

Life is not fair, nor easy and you have to climb

Rebecca POV

Let me tell you all the stories behind climb. 

This will take pretty long. Here it goes: 

In the summer, there are these kids who I always play with. they live across the street so there is no problem getting there. Once I got into the house the boy who was about three years younger than me started singing, "No friends! No friends!" all of the others joined in as well. I turned my back and stated crying until I reached the curb and crossed the street and ran back to my house as fast as I could. Everyone made fun of me for crying over a twelve year old's rude comments. Rude comments are rude comments, no matter what age , it will still make you feel bad. 

I went over again because other people were there. An eleven year old called me stupid, ugly, and mean. I did the same routine as before. Cry to curb, cross the street, then run to my house and cry some more. Never going over there again. 

Normally, people are very sad to go home after a vacation down the shore. I was so glad to go, actually.  I thought there would be no more bullies. I was wrong. Two girls called me uncool, and they were a part of the popular group. All the boys like them. They have zero personality, just pretty looks and that's all boys care about. They keep telling me I'm not smart or I can't sing. Let me just say THEY ARE AWFUL SINGERS. They think they can sing but they can't. They get everything they want like parts in the play, a boyfriend, anything you can possibly want they probably have.  

A lot of those girls used to be my friends a long time ago. I had a bunch of friends and soon they all drifted apart and I was the only one left. In kindergarten, everyone was best friends. In about third grade, everyone started picking best friends and merging into groups. I had no one, and I was alone. All the people who started off as my best friends moved away to others. And my best friend actually moved. To Arizona! But I met my best friend Claire in fourth grade, and she was super sweet and cared about the inside pf people..not the outside or what they have.  

I realized that everyone will be mean throughout your life but you have to find perks. 

But I haven't found them yet. 

22 Poems by RebeccaWhere stories live. Discover now