Leaf 2

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It was a beautiful morning and the sun ray fell on her face to break her deep slumber...She stretched herself still eyes closed and smiled happily welcoming a new day in her life...She opens her eyes slowly and looks at the clock it was already 8 and suddenly something struck her...

"O Shittt!!!I am too late for my cooking classes.." She freaked out and ran into her washroom..She took her time to look beautiful Yet simple and elegant...She came out juts to see her lazy sister still sleeping...

"Mallika wake up ,won't you?" She shouted on top of her voice...yes she was Anika our khidkitodh Anika..

Mallika- Di plz..lemme sleep for some more time..

Anika- You mad lady...We are late for our classes do you realise it?

Mallika- Oh No srsly...Uffff! how can I miss today when I will get to see my Prince charming...

Anika nodded her head like" Iska kuch nahi hoga"

Anika- You will remain jhalli as always Mallika...

Mallika ran into the washroom and got ready at least she gets ready faster than Anika..They sat at the table and was about to start the breakfast..Mallikas Mom interrupt...

Sundari- Anika why are you sitting here? sit down and eat...

Anika unwantedly had to go and eat there all alone...As always she was asked to sit down alone and eat...As Anika was Surajs illegitimate child...She had know choice...Mallika who always felt bad for her sister when her mother behaved this was with her...And since she thinks Anika not less than her own blood related sister...She always joins her on the floor inspire of her mothers denial..Looking at their sisterly love Suraj gets up and sits beside his daughters leaving Sundari fuming in anger...

Sundari- This girl has taken away my family from me..My daughter..My husband...I will not let you live in peace...

She cursed her...

Suraj- Enough of your drama Sundari...Why can't you accept her as your daughter?

Sundari- I will not...When she has a a mistress's blood running into her veins I can't accept such impurity ...She is living in this house and is able to eat all 3 meals she should be thankful..

Mallika- Enough mom...I will not listen anything cheap about my di..

Sundari- To hell with you and your di...

Mallika- Come on di..To sit with her and talk is such a waste of time..We will leave as we are already getting late...

They left behind angry Sundari..While going...

Anika- Mallika you shouldn't have talked to mom in that way...

Mallika- What about her? She said so bad about you..

Anika- But still she is mom she can say..

Mallika- Do already my mood is really bad and I don't want to listen to anything..

Anika- Acha OK so tell about him...

Mallika- About whom?

Anika- Your prince charming..

Mallika blushed..while Anika teased her...

Anika- Abhi blush karri hai? Then what will happen when you meet him?

Done with first..
So say how was it ;)

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