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Team A was training then they bumped into Jellal, Meredy, and Ultear. The three had decided to help and Jellal had agreed to do the games.

Jellal- So of y'all are the strongest wizards in Fairy Tail and Lucy had escaped her coffin then why isn't she participating?

Natsu- Because she didn't want to.

Jellal- Same old Lucy.

Gray- Her personality had changed a little bit.

Erza- Yeah she's usually the silent type at the guild.

Meredy- I might not know her that much, but I can see that.

Wendy- Yeah I can't believe Gramps just let her get away with it just like that.

Carla- Me either he usually has to make her do it.

Ultear- Okay I will start with a spell and if you can get out of it then your strong. Ok ready?

Natsu- Hit me.

Ultear hits Natsu.

Ultear- You said hit me.

Ultear cast the spell and they all were in pain then Erza was done and got out of it. She then went to talk to Jellal and then they went up a hill then fell. They looked at each other and almost kiss but Jellal pushes Erza back and said he had a fiancé. Erza then encouraged him to stay alive then she left. Happy teased her about the rejection then she kicked him up in the sky.

When they all returned right back to the guild they started getting ready, but then Wendy had got attacked by Raven Tail. Team A didn't know what to do until they all had an idea.

( Outside of the guild)

Erza - We need to ask Lucy.

Gray- You know good and well Lucy will-

Natsu and Gray- No.

Happy- Let's just try.

They all go and find Lucy in the meadow laying down.

Lucy- What do you guys want?

Natsu- How did you know we were here?

Lucy- Idiot I can hear you.

Gray- Why aren't you wearing the clothes Gramps gave you to keep your identity hidden?

Lucy- I took them off. Nobody doesn't even come to this meadow.

Lucy wearing:

Lucy wearing:

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Erza - True. But why don't you want to participate?

Lucy- One I don't want too and two it's a waste of my time.

Natsu- All you do is sit in the meadow.

Gray- Yeah.

Erza- Okay that's enough. I challenge you, Lucy.

Natsu- Man I never thought I hear those words.

Lucy- To what?

Erza- A battle. If I win then you will have to participate in the games and if you win then you don't have to do it, and I'll leave you alone for a month. Deal?

Lucy- You're on.

They both get in a fighting position. Erza summons her sword out and golden black starts st glowing on Lucy's fist.

Happy- GO.

Erza comes at Lucy and Lucy stands there then Erza swings her sword at Lucy then Lucy dodges Ezra's attack and hits her. Erza and Lucy fought for two minutes. Lucy had dodged all of Erza's attacks even when she was equipped into other forms. Lucy then came at Erza and punched her in the guts and side kicked her on the jaw which sent Erza down.

Natsu- Wait what.

Lucy - I guess I win. Be gone.

The team leaves and Lucy laid down on the grass watching the stars and space.

30 minutes later.

Jellal had come and seen Lucy laying down. Lucy sat up and saw Jellal.

Lucy- What are you doing here?

Jellal- I should be asking you the same question.

Lucy- Look if this is about me in the games no.

Jellal- Okay, but I wasn't about to ask that. Why don't you want to participate and don't say because I don't want to?

Lucy- I just don't think it's that important.

Jellal- But it's important to the guild.

Lucy- I wish Gramps just left me in that coffin. I can't believe I haven't died yet.

Jellal- Died. What do you mean?

Lucy- I mean when they put me in that coffin I was kind of happy because I thought my life would end, but it didn't.

Jellal- You know I wanted my life to end, but I just kept going. How long have you been wanting to die?

Lucy-Ever since I was born. A lot of things just happened in my past like my mom was evil, but when I was born she died. Alex my dragon left.
I was separated from my sister. Grandpa Rob dies then Simon died. After I and Erza first got to Magnolia I wanted to find my little sister, but I couldn't so I just went to the meadow.

Jellal- I see now. Your afraid of losing the people you were close to.

Jellal then hugs Lucy and she blushes.

Jellal- It's okay. You have many people around you that love you and care for you and will never leave your side.

Lucy then starts crying and hugs Jellal back. Lucy then looked at Jellal and he smiled at her and she kissed him on the lips. Jellal blushed redder than Erza's hair then Lucy also blushed and looked down.

Lucy- Sorry I was just...

Jellal- Don't worry it's okay.

Lucy- Thank you Jellal.

Jellal- No problem Lucy, and thank you for that kiss (winks).

Lucy then had blushed redder than Erza's hair. Lucy had then put back the clothes Gramps gave her to hide her identity then after that she and Jellal walked to the guild. Lucy had walked toward Team Natsu.

Lucy- I will fill in the fifth spot for the Games.

Erza came up to Lucy.

Erza- Thank you.

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