How It All Came To Be

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Lucy POV

I never thought that this would all come true. The visions and everything were real and true. Whoever thought that I would marry Jellal Fernandez. It was romantic, horrifying, and funny by how he proposed to me.  We were both at our house that I saw at my vision and he had made a nice dinner for both of us. So I like to drink a lot and there was wine in my glass. That wine that so good along with the other liquids (and if you know what I mean by other liquids it means it wasn't a drink. It came from Jellal and it was delicious. I hoping I get a taste of it tonight. 

I'm getting off-topic. So Jellal had put the ring in my wine and I drunk the wine pretty quickly to the point where I swallowed the ring. Jellal had to get the ring out so you know how that goes. It's funny cause when you look back on it your gonna laugh. I was sitting down in the chair because I was nervous and plus I look really hot. Erza was in the room with me plus she was my maid of honor since I knew her for a very long time. I second guess choosing her as my maid of honor cause I knew she had a thing for Jellal. That was until I found out that she was just confused with her sexuality, one day she had kissed me to let me know that she was gay, and I fully support that.

"So Lucy are you ready to get married?" she asked me as I nodded. I got out of my seat to go walk down to my soon to be husband. There was no man to walk me down to him. I didn't want Ivan to do it cause I'm not sure if he is my dad even though I share his DNA, but we look nothing alike. You can look at me and Laxus ass and we even look alike. That's just sad as Hell. I wasn't gonna ask Makorav because he is way too short for my hand to even reach his. Like if he was the height of his younger days then I wouldn't mind. I can't ask my mom because she is a fuckin bitch, but I still love her. There is a thing called you can love and hate at the same time. Just like how Jiemma took care of me, but I don't like him. I thank him for the training and for taking me in as his own, but I don't want that pervert walking me down the aisle. When I say bye to someone I don't like I really mean I don't wanna ever talk or see you ever again period. Even though he is at my wedding, but it's a thing called ignoring people you don't like.

I came out of my room and I saw Alex right there waiting for me. Yes, I asked Alex if she would walk me down the aisle. I have known her for a very long time and I trust her to give me away and not do anything immature like make faces or say something smart. "You ready kid or should I say soon to be Fernandez," she said smiling as I blushed. "I'm ready!" I said as she held out her arm for me to tug on. "You've grown up so fast, but if he does you wrong speed dial me and I'll be over faster than a meteor to kill him and hide the evidence," she said as I giggled, but I think she was being serious. "Well I don't think he will do something like that," I said as she smiled.

"Ready?" she asked as I nodded. The lights had gone off and she opened up the door. There were stars on the ceiling, glowing flowers in the water the sky baby blue water on the ground, people standing up looking at me as the outcast cause I look better than all of them, the violinist playing a soothing song, my dress glowing up with the stars and color in the dark sky at night, and standing there at the end was my soon to be husband, Jellal.

I started walking and when I looked at Jellal my heart melting because I saw him tear up a little bit. When I made it down to him, Alex gave me a way to him, and I smiled when I was in front of him. The pastor started talking and I didn't really know what he was saying. I was just waiting for the vow, repeating everything he says, and then I do's part. I couldn't stop looking at Jellal who was also looking at me. "Now it is time for the vows. Jellal why don't you go first," the pastor said as I smiled. "I, Jellal, take you, Lucy, for my lawful wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part," he said with the corny speech that I still love anyway. 

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