The End

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Lucy POV

I was putting five teacups on a tray along with five cupcakes. I picked up the tray and walked outside to see Jellal and my three kids: Heaven, Saph'fire, and Venus. Heaven is a boy, Saph'fire is a girl, and Venus is a boy. After a while, of trying to make a baby it had actually happened. Heaven was first and he's six years old, Saph'fire was second and she just turned five, and Venus is three years old. 

All of them were playing and when the kids saw me with sweets they all literally ran over to the table. I like how there alert when they want something. I sat the tray down on the table and started to give them their tea and cupcake. "What do you say when people give you something?" I asked them trying to teach them self-respect. "Thank you!" they all said. The three started eating and I felt a strong set of arms around me. "Hi Blueberry!" I said as he kissed me on the cheek. "Hey, Beautiful!" he said and sat down in his seat and said: "Thank you!". See my husband know his manners. I sat down and ate along with them. After the kids finished eating they went back to go play again. 

"They're so cute, I hope they could still be my little babies," I said adoring my cute kids. "Well, you know we can always make more?" Jellal asked me as I blushed. "I know, but you might not want more kids," I said as he snickered. "What makes you say that?" he asked me as I just shrugged. "We already got three kids and your going on the high-level jobs that require you to leave for a very long time," I said as he nodded. "Yeah, I can't argue about that. I feel bad cause sometimes I can't be here for the kids," he said as I agreed. "I wanna be around my kids when they grow up so I just decided to work on the mid-levels so I can get money and stick around them," I said as he was surprised I thought my life process. 

"Yeah, but I wouldn't mind putting another mini-me in there," he said as I snickered. "Yeah cause they act and look just like you. Heaven's got your hair and personality. Saph'fire has your hair color, birthmark on the eye, and smile, and Venus has my hair color and looks exactly like you when you were little," I said as we both snickered. "I wouldn't mind you putting one in me, but let's do it tonight," I suggested as he blushed. "Lu you know the kids are gonna be here and by how loud your moans are you might wake them up," he said as I snickered. "I'm making turkey and steamy vegetables tonight," I said as he blushed. "Ok, tonight is good with me," he said smirking. The kids always get sleepy after they eat turkey. I smiled at him and started to eat my cupcake and drink my tea. Jellal ate his snack, but he was thinking as well. "Tell you this, how about I start working to the point where I can still be in the kids' life and provide at the same time?" he asked as I nodded. For some reason, I kept looking at his cupcake that he hadn't finished yet, and I think he could feel me staring cause he had scooted his cupcake towards me. 

I ate it up and he leaned back in his chair. "You know for some reason I keep feeling like you are pregnant," he said as I cocked my eyebrow up. "What makes you say that?" I asked him. "Well, you've been getting way too emotional lately, you've missed your period, you always have more on your plate than us, and you have been throwing up," he said as I looked at him like he was stupid. "That doesn't mean I'm pregnant. Any girl can get emotional at any time, I take birth control pills, I have an appetite of a dragon, and I think it is food poisoning sometimes," I said as he seemed unconvinced. "Okay, if you say," he said as I rolled my eyes. 

Nighttime had come to the point where the kids were eating and was fast asleep. Jellal and I were in their rooms watching them. I, of course, left out the rooms because I had to go throw up. While I was barfing in the trash can I could feel Jellal rubbing a hand on my back. "Lucy, you sure your not pregnant?" he asked me as I blushed and just shrugged. He gave me a pregnancy test and I just took it and headed to the bathroom. 

I was in there for a few minutes because I was nervous. It will be a miracle if I was pregnant. The results were in and so I picked it up and looked at it. I came out of the bathroom to see Jellal walking back and forth. "So what are the result?" Jellal asked me as I started crying. "I'm pregnant!" I said smiling. He had given me a long and tight hug that I felt safe in. "What do you think we should do now that the baby is on the way?" he asked me as I smiled. "I think we should clear out the guest room and instead of going with a corny color, I think we should go with yellow with teddy bears," I said smiling. "Wow! I thought that you would try and go with a galaxy theme," he said as I smirked and came towards him to kiss him on the lips. "I'm full of surprises Blueberry," I said as he smirked. "Ok, that's good with me. Doing a nature theme," he said as I smiled. His hand had touched my cheek and the other hand was at the bottom of my back to bring me in. "You know since that bump hasn't formed yet and you're not like tired, you still wanna you know do what we plan?" he asked as I nodded. He scooped me up bridal style and then he walked to the room to get down with business.

9 Months Later

I was in the hospital holding a little tan girl in my arms while my kids and husband were around the bed. I never believed when Makorva said that Ivan was my dad. I looked nothing like him. I looked like my mom a lot. Even Laxus looks like his mom (there like twins if you ask me). The only thing Laxus got from him was height. He even looks more like Makorva. 

"You know I never believed that she would sort of inherit your dad's skin color," Jellal said observing her. "Me too! I never really thought he was actually my dad," I said as he agreed. "Well no matter what she is not any different. We accept anybody no matter what into our family," I said kissed her on the forehead and I saw a smile on her face. "Look, mommy, she has your smile," said Heaven admiring it. "So what are you gonna name her?" Jellal asked as I answered with: "Star!" I said as everybody smiled. "Well Star welcome to the family," said Venus. Jellal grabbed her out of his hands while the kids left the room. Jellal was admiring his daughter and he started crying tears of joy. "She is so cute!" he said as I snickered and found this as a heartwarming moment.

After all, I have been through these past 30 years it has been a wild journey and I can't wait to explore it more!

The End!

I hope you Readers have enojyed this book even though the first couple of chapters was probably a nightmare with the bad grammar. Comment if you think there should be a new ship or another Jelu book.

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