Chapter 12

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Authors note**

So sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was camping for fall break and have been busy with that. Here's chapter 12 and I should be updating more often now!

There's sexual parts in the end but if you don't want to read it just skip through that part.


I wake up the next morning and Scott wasn't in bed wrapped around me like he normally is. I start to get up to look for him but aches run though every part of my body. My arms, legs and back are killers right now. Hopefully we don't have to got to the gym today. It was fun but I don't think my body could physically take it today. I painfully roll over to my side and look out the window to see if Scott was in his room but he wasn't there either. I look at the time and it was 4 am. Explains why it was still dark out I guess. Where the hell is Scott though? He wouldn't just leave me here without telling me, would he? I pry myself up off the bed and ease my way around the house look for him and yelling his name. Every step and holler I get more panicked. I find my phone and call him and after a couple rings it goes to voicemail. Now I'm in full panic mode. Not caring I'm in my pj shorts, I grab my coat and rubber boots since it's supposed to rain, grab my keys and run out to my car. Shit. I don't have a car since it's TOTALED! I slam my keys down in the drive way in frustration and start my way down the street. I know Scott can take care of himself...but something just feels off. Who gets up at 4 am and leaves without saying anything. On a rainy day even. Just as that though hits me I hear thunder. I've always been super scared of storms but at this moment I didn't even care. I needed to find Scott. I didn't know where to look so I decide to make my way down to the 'gym' warehouse. I hate that part of town. Walking through it now is a bad idea but I need to find him! I find myself walking down an alley, sunlight barely rising at all, dark clouds making darker than it should be. The alley was almost completely dark and I see a group of guys walking the opposite way as me. I'm screwed. What should I do? I turn around and practically run to get out but I guess the guys were faster. One of them, I'm guessing is the 'leader' grabs my hands and shoved them behind my back and the other one stands inches away from my face and I can smell cigarettes on his breath.

"W-what do you want." I say, weaker than I want it to.

"I think you know what I want." He says with a smirk on his face. He starts running his hand up my thigh reaching the edge of my shorts. He slips his hand into them and reaches my underwear. A tear slips from my eye and he forcefully kisses me, tongue and all. He starts rubbing me through my underwear. He slid his hand out the moved them to the waist of my pants and starts sliding them down. Before he can slide them down an inch, I feel nothing at all. I look up and see Scott fighting off the group of guys as he's on top of the guy who was touching me, punching him repeatedly. 3/5 guys were knocked out, including the one who was going to do god knows what to me. I stand there shaking from what was happening and the cold and just cry and Scott knocks the other two out. He gets up and wipes blood and dust off of him and walks to me. He grabs my face gently and pulled my pants back up to where they were supposed to be.

"Bree, what were you doing?" He says harshly. I was surprised by his tone.

"I-i was looking for you...I woke up and you were gone." I say. My voice cracked at the end and let a tear slip.

He pulled my chin back up.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you. Why would you come to this part of town to look for me?"

"I was worried. Why did you get up at 4am and leave me? Not saying anything? I had to find you. What if something happened?"

"What if something happened? Look at you Bree." He says looking down at my shaking hands. "You were almost raped and you're soaked and crying. You hate storms too. Why would you do that for me?"

I stand there debating on what to say next. Why would I do that for him. I love him but why? Wait. I love him? I do don't I? He's always been there for me and I don't know where I'd be without him. I can't even imagine life without him anymore. I can't even understand how I got by without him before. Before I met him. I get lost in his eyes when I quietly say "because I love you..." I look down. Embarrassed at what I just said. What if he didn't love me back? What if I just made everything awkward? What if he didn't even like me?

"Bree, I love you too!" He practically yells and picks me up hugging me. He doesn't put me down so I wrap my legs around his waist. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat, which is beating faster than it normally does. I think I fell asleep because I woke up wrapped up in a warm blanket and Scott. Scott wakes up right when I do.

"Hey princess." I blush at the name.


He scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Um...I kind of got you dressed but I didn't change your, um, underclothes, because I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable with that."

I mean, he's already seen me in my 'underclothes' so it didn't matter. "Thank you." I say and give him a hug. "I'm going to go get a shower and then we can do something today." I say, since thankfully we didn't have school today. I grab a towel and get into the shower, washing away the rain and he gross feeling that guy gave me. I shudder thinking that I wouldn't even be a virgin right now if it wasn't for Scott saving me. After washing my hair and body, I wrap myself in my towel and remember I didn't grab clothes so I walk into my room and see Scott siting on my bed scrolling through his Instagram. I start digging through my clothes and pull out black underwear and a bra, black leggings and a 'PINK' brand shirt. Scott was still scrolling through his Instagram so I figured he didn't notice me. Not wanting to walk back to the bathroom I slide on my underwear and bra under my towel and drop it down so I can put on the rest of my clothes. As the towel dropped to the floor, Scott looked up.

"Sorry." He says shyly.

"It's okay. You've seen me like this many times anyways. Can we just have a lazy day. I'm sore and tired."

"Sure beautiful." I blush again at his new name for me. I realize I'm still only in my panties and bra and shrug. It hurt to put clothes on anyways so I shrug and drop the clothes onto the floor. Scott gives me a questioning look. Since were having a lazy day, no need to get dressed. I mean, Scott can walk around shirtless but I can't? So I shrug my shoulders as a response to his questioning look and crawl into the bed next to him and turn the tv on. I cuddle in close to him and I feel him tense up under me, then relax and pull me closer to him. I put my arm around his chest and my leg is pulled up to his waist. He pulls me even closer. He brushes his thumb across my cheek and pulls me in for a kiss. This kiss was passionate and gentle. His other hand goes in around my waist and pulls me on top of him. I'm stealing his groin area and I feel him harden. I've never done this before, but I know it feels right. I love him and I'm ready for this. I start grinding against him and he lets out a soft groan. "Bree, we don't have to do this."

"It's okay." I whisper. Not wanting to stop. "I want this. Now." He nods, ready for it too and rolls me over to where he's on top of me. He starts kissing down my neck and to my chest.

"I love you Brianne."

"I love you too."

He reaches behind me to my bra strap and looks up at me, waiting for an answer. I nod quickly. Wanting this. He unclips it, revealing my chest. He kisses my lips, pressing his chest against mind and works his way down, kissing my chest. He moves down to my stomach and reaches the edge of my panties. Once again he looks up for permission and eagerly nod my head yes, desperate for more. He slides my panties down and throws them to the floor. I've never been touched there other than the guy in the alley but that didn't feel like it does now. Now it feels right. Scott brushes his lips against me softly at first, almost teasing me.

One we finished, we lay there in silence at first. He spoke first.

"I love you Bree."

"I love you too Scott." We let sleep take over us.

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