Hey Look it's Uncle Chapter 7. Want a Sodie Pop?

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"Rocketta! What are you doing here?! I thought you were off doing cool murder-y stuff!" Doordina exclaims.

Oh yeah Rocketta is a feminist rock that is also an assassin no biggie

Oh yeah Rocketta is a feminist rock that is also an assassin no biggie

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Look at how cool she is.

Anyways, Rocketta swoops over with her cool grappling hook of coolness to the doorknob who is still quite sad about Doorkel's death, decides to sprout hands, gives her a cool rock hug, retracts said hands, and asks her about what happened. Doordina, through tears, explains everything, from the boi to the death.

"Wow what a tragic and depressing story," says Rocketta unintentionally sarcastically bc she's always sarcastic and stuff. "Oops that wasn't meant to be sarcastic!" She quickly adds.

Doordina has known Rocketta since they were young, and can tell when she's being sincere due to FRIENDSHIP POWER. "Oh it's okay Rocketta I know you're always sarcastic and stuff. So what do you think we should do about that supposed chosen bo-" "KILL HIM" Rocketta instantaneously answers. Doordina immediately realizes that it may not be a good idea to get an assassin to help you with boi problems. "Woah woah slow down there, I don't want him dead!"

"Why not?! He killed your doorknob buddy! Look at all that door blood! Does that not make you want to get your revenge?"

"I mean kinda, but he didn't try to murder him... his hand just kinda slipped and hit Doorkel a little too hard..."

"So? Murder is murder, and if ya murder someone and I hear about it, you're as good as dead."

Holy door gods. Was Rocketta really going to try to murder that boi? Then again, she had never heard the Prophecy of Peace and Doors... No! This is a secret prophecy that only the highest ranking doorknobs and Door Church members know about! Well, if I do tell her, then she'll back off and maybe even help me with all this mess that's happening right now, Doordina thought.

"Uh, Rocketta... If I tell you something, will you keep it a secret?"

"Aw heck yeah! Secrets and stuff! So, what is it?"

"Well, there's this prophecy, and I'm in it, as well as that boi, so it'd be kinda bad if you killed him, so... could you just not?"

"Okay, but only if you tell me the whole prophecy first."


Also if you really did want a sodie pop from good ol' Uncle Chapter 7, then here.

Also if you really did want a sodie pop from good ol' Uncle Chapter 7, then here

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Choose your starter.
*get it cus they're blue red and green like starter pokemon*

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