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I'm sorry but I will probably not be continuing on with this story. I have lost interest in this story and don't want to try and force myself to come up with something to write down and give whoever is reading this shitty content. I'm a senior in high school so I'm currently focused on that right now but I am trying to make effort to write stories that I have in my head. With that said I am in the process of writing a couple new stories/fanfictions. They probably won't get published on wattpad for a while since I'm trying to get my personal life in order for college and testing and stuff like that.

If you were wondering about what I'm in the process of right now are about 4 stories. Right now all of them are just thoughts and ideas and no real words have been written yet but I have the ideas of them down which makes the process of getting them out a lot faster. I have 3 ff about the ghost bird/scarab beetle series by C.L Stone, those at the moment are called: Ghost bird, Moving on, and Meeting the Team. The last idea is my take on the "big bad wolf and little red riding hood". It's not a werewolf story but a 'bad boy' 'good girl' type dealo. That's the one I'm going to try and get out first because it's original thoughts that I'm writing and with the ffs I want to read the original first to get a grasp on the characters from a writers stand point instead of a reader but it also has been over 6 months since I've read any of the books and I am behind on a couple so I don't want to miss anything in case they follow the original more closely that I anticipated but I don't think that will be the case as they are taking a different route than what C.L Stone is going.

ANYWAY, thank you for sticking through this while it lasted. Maybe one day I will pick off were I stopped. I did write part on chapter 8 but I have zero clue were I was trying to go with that. But thank you again for the the support I got from my first actual story on wattpad.

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