There are days that I falter, where I don't think too highly of myself. Yet there you are to pick me back up, reassuring me that I am not as terrible as I make myself out to be.
There are days where I over think everything and panic over nothing. And there you are yet again with your reassurances. Telling me not to over think and to say what I feel and share my thoughts.
There are days where I just want to hide what I feel and lie to the world. And once more you are there, asking the questions that most avoid and pressing me just to be honest and to love myself.
Then there are the days where I just want to give up, where I want it all just to end. And there you are, as always. A constant presence that encourages me, even as you struggle with your own sets of problems.
The world is not as dark as I believe it to be. Most parts of the world are indeed bleak. But the one thing I hold on to is the light you show me everyday.
Words Of The Heart
Short StoryJust the journal of a wandering soul, putting down whatever was on his mind at the time. 2016 - 2017 entries