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Sometimes it is better to let go of feelings than it is to let a person go. Be a leader. Inspire ideas and promote learning. Don't be a boss. People look up to leaders with awe and respect. Bosses are looked down at with fear without respect.

In some cases it is needed to sever a friendship. Sometimes your life cannot move forward without the shedding of persons that hold you back. That keeps you from being the person that you need to or want to be.

That's a lie. Its not always better to let go of feelings. Sometimes it just has to happen, it doesn't hurt any more or any less either way you go about it. Although it is nearly impossible to totally give up on a feeling. Feeling reside within each of us, you just can't cut the feelings out of you nor can you completely dismiss them. They remain regardless. They are a part of you always.

Things are not always as they seem. More often than not we judge a person based off of what we see on the surface and think accordingly based off of that biased perception. Beneath a smiling face, there is sorrow, behind the laugh, there is pain and frustration just on the other side of anger. When you truly discover a person, in which you feel that you can never let them go, be kind to them. Give them courage, let them know that they are never truly alone in their struggles.

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