Sometimes we do not get a chance to meet someone. Either they depart long before we come along or they were a brief part of our lives and there was never a chance. Whichever the case, it is important for you to know that they did matter.
For those who never got to experience the miracle of life resting within them...Please know that that being mattered. Named or not, gendered or not, they mattered to you and what matters to you matters to me. There might not be that same depth or connection, but that is okay. We don't need to meet a being in order to know that they were special.
We have so much to give with this whole life we live. If we all learned to love, we could almost have been sent from above.
In this world there is no one quite like you. Who thinks the way you do. You are unique in the things you do, but for me there is no changing you. Through pain and tears, you're not as bad as you fear.
From day to day we feel alone, lost in thought with no one to distract us from ourselves, or so we think. There are people all around us, waiting for us to tell them our story. We feel ourselves wanting to, but feel as there are so few that are truly vested in what we have to say.
Not everybody cares. But the few that do...they truly matter.
Words Of The Heart
Krótkie OpowiadaniaJust the journal of a wandering soul, putting down whatever was on his mind at the time. 2016 - 2017 entries