
20 10 0

It honestly breaks my heart seeing you like this.
I felt your pain once upon a time,
I just wish you felt mine.
See, our pain is different.
My pain is me worrying for my friend, and your pain is something deeper.
Something I don't understand right now.
I understood it once.
But I'm different now.
I want you to reach the the same point in your life that I have.
I'm somewhat content.
That's an improvement from my past feelings.
Though, I often feel it's not good enough.
I want to feel happiness.
Real, genuine, happiness.
I know you feel the same.
I would say let's start this journey together,
but I'm closer to the goal than you are.
I'll still help, even when my goal is reached,
I will never be completely fulfilled unless you taste the sweet taste of happiness and success with me.
Because truly,
that is my ultimate goal.
And I want to share it with you,

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