Chapter 4: Extra Spice in the Cafeteria

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The next day,
Beacon Academy, 13:56:09 hours

A quick chime from the elevator notified Glynda that she had arrived. She corrected her glasses before the doors slid open, revealing Ozpin going through his Scroll.

She walked through, turning her head to face the Professor.

"They're here, Professor Ozpin," she said.

"So I've come to hear," said Ozpin, transferring the images he was viewing to a holographic computer on his desk. The air above the polished, light wood shimmered, then lit up with a video of SRDS's encounter with Weiss and Ruby. A second video then played, showing Ruby at the SRDS dorm's doorstep.

"This is interesting," said Ozpin as he brought the video to a close.

Glynda simply rolled her green eyes. Both SRDS and Weiss and Ruby had acted unprofessionally for Huntsmen, even if they still were in training. At least they had apologized to each other, though.

She scoffed. "And this is what they've learnt from their travels?"

"Perhaps," said Ozpin, "but I recommend you to now read the files transferred to your scroll, though they are outdated to the last report they made which was a considerable couple of years ago," said Ozpin as Glynda's scroll beeped as if on cue.

"And have they reached the sparring arena? I wish to see how they fare against one of our teams, although you may already know this" said Ozpin, looking up to Glynda.

"They have a match scheduled with Team CRDL 10 minutes from now. Both teams are currently gearing up. It'll be a 1v1, four rounds, as instructed," Glynda responded, checking her scroll between the sentences. "They could've been matched with a better team, but it's fair enough if you want them to meet average requirements."

Glynda closed her scroll, then looked at Ozpin.

"We'll have to see how much they have learned in combat. If they have progressed as I have imagined, I can only pray for Team CRDL's well-being," said Ozpin.

(5 minutes later, in the Cafeteria)

"Can't believe they ran out of ketchup just as we made it in here," Sigbjorn remarked as SRDS settled down on a table for their meal

"I will never understand why you like ketchup. It's disgusting and sickeningly sweet," exclaimed Steele, his face a caricature of disgust.

"It's all about the tomato FLAVOUR," retorted Sigbjorn sagely.

"You do know they make it out of pumpkins to save money right? The only thing that tomatoes have in common with that sludge is that it's red," Diamond spoke while reading the menu. "Oooooh, they have gnocchi on Wednesdays! This place is nice!"

They were eager to fill their stomachs before their first match-up. The Cafeteria was largely empty, save for a couple of students hanging around. Sigbjorn recognized one of them as Weiss Schnee.

Weiss was sitting alone at a table some distance away from SRDS when another girl in a white dress and a black overcoat with a bow over her head sat next to her. Sigbjorn loosened his jaw and focused on a point in front of him. This boosted his hearing, which he wanted to use to figure out what they were saying.

"Hello, Blake," Weiss greeted, "how's the research going in the library?"

Blake shook her head, sighing.

"Not good. I can't find anything related to the-"

A loud thump interrupted her. Sigbjorn turned to look at the direction of the noise, shoving a burger into his mouth. He saw a figure with burnt orange hair, blue eyes and a chest plate with a bird motif making his way toward the girls, followed by another boy with a clean-shaved head with a green mohawk. No doubt Brown Hair was the leader here since Mohawk was behind him, with quite an arch to his back and exuding less confidence. Sigbjorn had learnt long ago to read these traits in people.

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