Chapter 15: Old enemies, New friends

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Northern Sanus

"You said you'd be finished with the plan soon," a masculine voice came crackling from the speakers of Silver Cerulean's private quarters.

"And we're already rolling with it. Have a little patience, and you'll get what you want," Silver replied calmly.

"This should have been done sooner with someone of your calibre, Silver. Why the delay?" the voice retorted. Silver nearly cringed, his ears stiffening and standing to attention, tiny bits of fur being illuminated by the light from the monitor. This wasn't how he was planning this conversation to go. But he could understand the frustration behind that voice; it mirrored his own for not being able to kick off the operation earlier.

"I am having some complications of my own. There were loose ends that needed to be tied up, but that's been dealt with. You can expect results. Just be ready," Silver replied to the mask projected on the screen, which had a slight whitish-tan background and red, horn-like symbols as a decoration.

"Hmmm," the voice contemplated, its pitch fluctuating due to the radio transmission quality. There was only so much one could do to ensure completely hidden communications through the CCT towers. The very pieces of technology being used by the protectors of the Kingdoms were being used by the perpetrators of their doom. Silver found that thought ironic and smiled ruefully to himself before the voice continued.

"So you have the Cypher?"

"Ozpin's informant has it embedded in his head, however thick as that may be according to my men. I shall see to it that he breaks, and we will soon have the location of Project Mako. That's when we shall mount our assault."

"Understood, Silver. Keep me updated," the voice replied with thorough satisfaction. Silver was someone who could be trusted with this burden, and he wasn't one of the White Fang's best for nothing. Even though he claimed to be a bounty hunter, Silver mostly ran operations for the White Fang. The voice at the other end couldn't be sure whether it was because of Silver's Faunus traits, or whether he genuinely believed the White Fang was right, or to fulfil some sort of vendetta. Or even a combination of the three. Either way, it didn't matter. At the end of the day, the White Fang was being helped, albeit at the expense of invaluable Dust and cash.

"You know I will," Silver replied casually before leaning to his right and grabbing the remote to switch off the monitor.

"Wait," the voice beckoned. Silver complied, hardly showing signs of expectancy. But showing some nonetheless. His fingers drummed the edge of the bunk in his ever dark cabin.

"One last thing. What about our friends?" the voice asked.

"I have a special surprise planned for them once we locate Mako. It'll even tie into your little 'shock-and-awe' campaign. Until then, we should leave Team SRDS oblivious to our schemes. They are dangerous. Besides, I have a spy tracking their movements."

"Hmmm... I agree. No need to alarm anyone about anything. Fair winds, sailor," the voice humoured.

Silver allowed himself a rare chuckle, then ended communications.


Beacon Academy, Main Tower

Sigbjorn nervously fidgeted with his fingers inside the pockets of his hoodie as the elevator skyrocketed up to the floor Ozpin's office was on. He felt his stomach tying itself into knots as Glynda Goodwitch stared at him through her thick-rimmed spectacles.

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