Chapter 27: Late-night Stroll

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Weiss couldn't sleep. She was having a hard time getting used to the uncomfortable bunks in the Pit and she decided to take a walk to get accustomed to her new lodgings. She was about to go into the kitchen and snag herself some leftovers when she heard a clattering sound come from the entrance. She turned around, rapier at the ready, to see Sigbjorn bent over trying to pick up a motorcycle helmet.

"Uhhh, hello there?" came the awkward greeting from the boy as he struggled to put on the helmet.

"What are you doing? It's 2 A.M.! Shouldn't you be in bed?!" she whisper-screamed.

"I can't sleep, so I decided to go for a drive and test out the exit route at the same time. If we're going to be leaving for a mission, I want to make sure everything works before we head out."

He paused for a moment, and then with a quizzical look on his face, asked:

"Wait, what are you doing up? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

She shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Couldn't sleep either, so I came out here to grab some food."

She began walking towards the fridge, secretly hoping he'd ask her to join him. Just when she was about to pull open the door, she heard him ask, "You wanna come with?"

Using every bit of acting skill she had, she turned around and responded with, "You sure? It's kinda late, and I don't think this is a good idea."

Joke's on you, I think it's a great idea! Now insist, you oaf!

"Oh, in that case, I'll see you tomorrow."

Weiss sighed as he began walking towards the door. Just when he was about to pull it open, she said, "Wait! On second thought, I think some fresh air would do me some good!"

He smiled and said, "Well then, go get changed! We're going to be driving fast, and you'll need a jacket of some sort."

She scrunched up her eyebrows. She hadn't unpacked yet. But her clothes were in the dryer, so she couldn't rely on them. All she had were the clothes she was wearing, which consisted of her Beacon track pants, and her oversized shirt.

"Oh shit! You probably haven't unpacked yet! My bad. Go left, you'll see my jacket on a chair. Put it on and rush back. I'll get the bike started. "

Her mind began spinning.

He's giving me his jacket? Why is he giving me his jacket?

I'm probably reading too much into this.

Or am I? We do have some chemistry together... UGH!

She hated not knowing, but even more strangely, she was afraid to know. What if he was just being friendly?

These were the thoughts that occupied her mind as she slipped on his hoodie. It smelled faintly of chocolate and spices. She assumed it was from all the cooking he did.

Out near the entrance, Sigbjorn was getting the bike started and cursing himself. How could he have been so forward?

"Put on my jacket?"

Stupid knobhead, she probably found that weird. What if she just decided to ghost me and go to bed? What if she decided that I'm some jacket-mandating Faunus weirdo? Yeesh. Screwed the pooch on this one, Sigbjorn.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice Weiss standing there with her hands on her hips until she had vocalised her second "Ahem".

"There you are," Sigbjorn managed.

"Given that you're this sleepy, I don't think you should be driving," said Weiss as she walked over to the bike.

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