Chapter 19: The Spaghetti Thickens

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It didn't take Sigbjorn and Ross long to notice Yang and Weiss fighting a horde of two dozen armoured and experienced White Fang soldiers. The two were somehow holding their ground.

"Friendlies on your six," Sigbjorn spoke into their scrolls.

"Diamond said you two would show up!" Yang called out upon noticing them.

"Do you have a plan?!" Weiss said after she dashed to her teammate using a glyph. She looked weary but still clung to her weapon.

Time to turn this tide, thought Sigbjorn.

"You two thin out the herd. We'll focus on the leaders. There's bound to be someone in charge here."

"So you're giving us most of the work?" Weiss inquired.

"We'll chip in for now," Sigbjorn responded, smiling underneath his armour. He summoned an LMG and leapt into the air, firing into the crowd of White Fang soldiers who were eager for battle. They soon weren't.

"Charming," Weiss said to herself, smiling, then focusing on the battle. Yang grinned at her teammate, "I knew you had a crush on him," she said, then turning her attention to a nearby grunt.

"Oh, shut up."

Ross' first order of business was to create some cover for the Huntresses, providing safe havens from incoming fire. He then used his Semblance to create giant hands popping out of the ground and smashing the soldiers to the earth. Many were picked up and thrown about until they were unconscious. One was flicked into a tree. Once he saw the majority go down, Ross picked up his sniper rifle to clear a path.

Aim for the non-vitals, he thought to himself. He didn't want to kill any of them unless they were impeding him.

"Can you hold this position?" Ross asked Yang, who was nearby, "Sigbjorn may need some help. Lots of White Fang over there."

Yang took note of his serious expression, for once, then nodded in response.

"Alright," Ross said, aiming for the shoulder of one of two White Fang Grunts who were aiming at Sigbjorn with automatic rifles.

Ross took in a breath and held the rifle steady before deciding to pull the trigger. His rifle thundered twice. Eclipse was no ordinary rifle, it fired rounds with enough momentum to smash through concrete. He wasn't surprised when the enemies went down screaming and clutching their shoulders as a red cloud where the bullet hit dissipated as quickly as it appeared.

He let out a breath, let another one take its place and dashed as fast as he could towards the enemy.

Sigbjorn continued raining bullets and explosive blasts from the air, occasionally landing near some grunt or another, dragging them to a considerable height and punching them towards the ground with a giant fist. Yang continued to hold her position, charging anyone who got too close to her and taunting the ones who were too scared to do so, much to their irritation. The isolated White Fang grunts were kept in check by Weiss, who used her glyphs to dart from location to location and sometimes freeze still a group of fighters on an ice or time dilation glyph and finish them off quickly, but she had already used up a large portion of her Aura and was tiring out.

Sigbjorn flew over to where most of the leaders seemed to be and let his weapons rip, dive-bombing a grunt and crushing his ribcage.

"I'm sorry, are you the a-hole in charge?" he said once the smoke cleared out. There was one figure standing in front of him with orange hair, wearing a bowler hat and holding a cane.

"Get him, Neo!"

He sensed movement and wasted no time kicking the figure on his right, hearing the sound of glass shatter as someone backflipped away from him. A little girl with an umbrella? No problem, he was ready to make her hurt. His weapon morphed into a bow-katana. She seemed to be a competent fighter and so he wouldn't take any chances. The bow would allow him to keep his distance if need be but if she proved to be a long-range fighter, he could easily close the distance between the two.

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