"Its Not Love"

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"....Then. Tell me why your heart is beating so fast." Those words made me look straight at him. And our eyes met. And the fire that was burning in my body...Grew hotter and hotter.
I didn't know what to say to him, not because I didn't want to talk to him. But because I also don't know the reason for this rapid heart beat.

"As I thought...Do-Hyung is really interesting", Jongin walked closer to me.


"When I ask questions like that the girls would say: 'Because I'm in love with you' or 'I have feelings for you' or stuff like that. But why won't Hyung admit it..?" Jongin stroke my hair softly.

"....Admit? There is nothing to admit..! I don't know what you're talking about!", I said backing away from him. Jongin sigh and looked up at the sky with a small smile.

"I'm so weird", He said.

"Of course you are. Falling in love with guy! Are you being for real?". As I said that he looked at him with a more serious face.

"I am not falling in love with just anyone. It's Do-Hyung I'm falling in love with".

I felt them. Those words pierced into my heart and it sting like crazy. It felt as if those words were squeezing my heart trying to make it explode.

"And someday...Maybe not today or tomorrow. I'll definitely make Do-Hyung say those 3 words to me", He said. And I didn't reply. How could I? How show I?

"YA!!! KYUNGSOO!!", I heard someone call my name and I looked over.

"Ah....! Chanyeol?", He ran over to us and I was half glad and half not."What are you doing hack here?".

"I came to pick you up!", He said. And I felt a stingy sharp glare from Jongin that made my body shiver.


"Suho-Hyung wants you to come and eat with us", Chanyeol said excitedly.

"Sorry. But Do-Hyung is gonna be eating with me", Jongin barge in. I looked at him with a questionable face.

"Sorry but he has to come with me. He doesn't have a choice, Suho-Hyung won't let him go that easily", Chanyeol said in a serious tone glaring at Jongin.

Jongin gently put me to the side and stood in front of Chanyeol."Do you know who I am?", Jongin asked. And then I saw it. Those eyes were sending danger signal.

"Of course I know. What? Are you gonna buy bodyguards to beat me up? Huh? And I know you've been messing with Kyungsoo but you know he doesn't have time for someone like you. Didn't you know? Someone like you....Are people he hate most", Chanyeol said. Jongin didn't reply back. He looked frozen, it was as if Chanyeol's words were bullets that shot him.

"Ah...Why don't we get going before Suho-Hyung gets mad..!", I said pushing Chanyeol away from Jongin."Go! I'll catch up".

Chanyeol shrug and and walked ahead."Ya! Jongin, Go-"

"People like me...You hate me?", He asked.

"...Uh....", I couldn't reply. I didn't even know my own reason. I wanted to smack myself for confusing my own self. I couldn't say anything so....I RAN AWAY!

I dash to Chanyeol and caught up with him leaving Jongin. I kept thinking why I couldn't answer him...Maybe...Just Maybe. Deep deep deep deep down my broken heart I felt that .37262628% of me thought I didn't hate him.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!! I AM GOING CRAZY!!!!", I yelled out messing my hair and hitting myself.

"You've never told me you liked Jongin", Chanyeol, the stupid idiot lovely cute friend that I have, said out of the blue.

"......HHHHUUHHH?!?! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?", I exploded.

"So obvious. You've never act like that before. You should've told me you were interested in guys", Be said casually.

"What?!? No! You go it all wrong!! I am not interested!! Don't get the wrong idea!".

"Quite being a tsudere! Your love for him is written all over you face", He smirk.

"L-L-L-Love..?!? W-What..?!?"

"Hehe!! I'm gonna tell Suho-Hyung!", Chanyeol teases.

"YAAA!!! I'm gonna kill you!!!", I elbow him hard in the stomach.

"Ouch..!! I was kidding!! I love teasing you!! Hehe!!". I just gave him a glare."Don't worry. I won't tell anyone".

"Tell what?! There is nothing!! YA!! Are you saying I like men! Wow!! This idiot!!", I hit his head.

"Ya! Don't treat your Hyung like that!".

"If you don't want me to treat you like that then start acting like a real Hyung and not a 3 year old!", I said. We both glared at each other for a second and burst into laughter.

Me to Jongin...It's not love. It's not love. It's not love. It's definitely not love. It's not love. I'm serious. I'm telling you....It's not love. At all.

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