"Trouble Pt. 2"

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"What do you guys want now? I payed you back for last month already," I said bluntly.

"Ya. Respect your elders. Without us your family would be dead by now!", Minho spat. My blood started to boil.

"We came back to get what we wanted. And I'm sure you have it?", Jisung cocked his brows glaring at me with a grin like joker.

"Sorry. I don't have any money. I'm broke right now, I'll pay you back soon," I said and was about to ride my bike but Song came and kicked my bike. I fell to the concrete road along with my bike.

"We want the money. NOW." Jisung said looking down on me.

"I said I don't have it", I avoid eye contact.

"Wow. We have helped you survive and yet you're not gonna pay us back? What a SCUM!!", Right then I felt Minho's punch across my cheek. Song came and bang my head to the concrete ground.

"Look. There is no one to save you. What're you gonna do?", Jisung said mockingly.

"He is so lame!!", They talk shit but I didn't say anything back. But I just laid there. I took the punch and kick as they kept coming and coming. I endure all the pain.

"Tsk!! This guy is trash! You better have what we want next time!", Minho spat at me and the three left. I slowly got up wincing in pain each time I move a muscle. I walked slowly pulling my bike and I sat on a bench by the park alone.

I looked at my bloody hand that Jisung stepped on, and touched my lip that was busted. I sat there looked up at the sky,"Do Kyungsoo! You're so pathetic. You look pathetic! Look at yourself! You have no friends. You are broke. You can't even provide for the family! You're useless!! No one loves you anymore!! Only by a crazy weirdo!", I yelled at myself.

"Do-Hyung....?", I heard Jongin's voice.

"Wow!! You're so pathetic you can even hear that weirdo's voice! Come to your senses!!", I yelled at myself again. I closed my eyes and sigh.

"Do-Hyung...??", I heard Jongin'a voice again. I opened my eyes and saw him standing in front of me. A real Jongin. His expression was priceless. He looked at me with wide eyes looking up and down.

"What happened to you?!? Who did this?!? Who?!? Tell me!! WHO?!?", He yelled. And it startled me. He looked really mad, his made an expression I've never seen before. He ran to my side and cupped my face gently.

"Tell me who did this. I'll kill them", My heart beat fast when he said that. Not because I was moved. But because it didn't feel like he was joking.

"It's none of your business", I said trying to play it off softly. I moved my head away from his hand and stood up. Jongin stood up and took both of my hand.

 Jongin stood up and took both of my hand

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"...Nothing happened. Let me go", I said bluntly without any feelings oh into my words.

"How long are you planing on torturing me?? Is it that much fun to see me suffer? Do-Hyung...", He walked closer and embrace me softly. My face against his chest."Please. Allow me to protect you."


I shut my eyes super tight. I can hear it, I can't hear my heart beat and I am sure Jongin can hear it too. It was so loud, I bet the whole world could hear it."Do-Hyung..From now on..I'll protect you. Can I do that?"

I didn't know what to say."Do Whatever you want...Weirdo". We stayed like that for a while. When I try to part away I would be held back by him, he wouldn't let go.
"I told you I'm not coming over..!! I don't have time for that..!!", I yelled as he pulled me along with my bike.

"Just for tonight. I want Do-Hyung to visit!", Jongin kept dragging me even if I didn't want to. I had no choice but to just follow along.

When we got to his house or should I say, MANSION! The mansion was huge!! There were many windows and a beautiful gate. As we enter I saw flowers and trees by the side and a small garden filled with colorful flower. I couldn't help but look around every corner.

"What is this? You find my mansion more interesting then me?....I'm jealous", Jongin suddenly said.

"Are you an idiot? Who would be jealous of their own mansion?", I rolled by eyes. He put the bike aside and unlock the house, we both went in. He ordered the maid something while I was looking at the huge living room.

It was filled with beautiful art and a shiny gold like chandelier. There were family pictures by the massive tv and big couches with an amazing looking table in the middle.

I sat down and Jongin sat next to me. Soon the maid came and gave him first aid kit,"Let me take care of you", He said take the materials.

"No, No. I can do it myself..!", I said but there was no point in arguing with him. I sat still as Jongin gently took care of my wound.

"Do you need to call you parents?" He asked giving back the kit to the maid after he was done.

"No, no one is home anyways."

"I see..Do-Hyung...You know? I'm really sorry fo-"

"I know. I get it..", I murmured.

"The room is ready, Master", One of the maid said. Jongin took my hand and lead me up stairs to a room. He opened the room and I saw a room the size of my apartment.

"This is where Do-Hyung will be staying!! There are some clothing in the closet and a warm bed!", Joing said cheerfully.

"Ah...Umm...Thanks...?", I didn't know if I should be annoyed he is too nice or be happy.

"I'll be downstairs preparing food, you should go wash up", with that he went down leaving me alone. I went in my room and as I was told, I went and wash up.
"Thanks...For the Food", I said and took my time eating. It felt weird just being alone in a huge kitchen with him. Where are the maids when you need them? I was enjoying my meal but felt a stare that gave me chills all over my body. I stopped and looked at Jongin who was sitting next to me. He was looking at me was a big smile."W-What...?"

"Do-Hyung is so cute!" He stated.

"...Stop calling me that. You're so annoying."

"Ah..!! Do-Hyung!" He called out.

"What now?"

"You have some rice on your face, I'll get it for you", I looked at him confused. But panicked when he leaned closer, and licked the corner of my mouth. I quickly react backing away and holding my spoon like a weapon.

"W-W-What're you doing..?!?!?", I yelled struggling not to stutter.

"Ah..You're blushing. How cute!" Instead of being scared he just kept giving me that foolish smile.

"I-I'm full...! I'm going to sleep..", I said and went up back to my room. I plopped of the Master bed and looked at the ceiling.

What the hell? He is more of a Trouble then those 3.

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