Chapter 4

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I sat on the porch and rocked Eliza, it was a nice day today so I decided to sit outside. This little girl has grown on me, I kissed her nose and rubbed her soft hair. I don't know what's been going on with Mr. Devali  but he's acting so much different.

I have regular chores to do, much less now that I'm caring for Eliza.. he even upped my allowance to a hundred dollars a week. I just wanna know why he's being so generous all of a sudden. I pulled the little blanket up to block the sun from Eliza's face.

It was nearing the time that I feed her, Surge helped me get her on a schedule. I keep track of her feedings and diaper changes. I reached back and grabbed the bottle, shaking it before opening the cap. As I was feeding her a few little kids came up looking all in her face, trying to touch her.

"Please don't touch on her, your hands aren't clean.."

I didn't want them touching all on her, spreading germs. They've been playing and rolling around in the grass.. one little girl mugged me and called me a mean bitch. I rolled my eyes and ignored her. The kids around here are so bad, she doesn't even know her abc's and she's calling me a bitch.. shame on her mother.

I sent her on her way and took the bottle from Eliza's mouth. She had fallen asleep before finishing it. I held her up and kissed her multiple times. I just love this little girl, she burped in my face just as I moved back from that last kiss.

"Eww, stinky girl"

I gave her that nickname the first night I got stuck, changing her stinky diapers. She sleeps so much,  I'm constantly bored.. I don't have any friends besides Surge. But he's a guy I want friends that are girls. I can't talk to him about nails or hair, most of the girls around here are too fast for me.

I'm sure they think I'm fast now that I have a baby but I know the truth so oh well.. I rested my chin in my palm and sighed.

"I need a life.."

"Why is that?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up, Kidd stood in front of me waiting for me to reply.

"Um.. because I don't have any friends"

I was hoping he left me alone because he's very intimidating. His walk, the way he talks, his looks, everything about him screamed.. grown and sexy. I'm not sure his age but he definitely had my attention even though he shouldn't.

He sat down on the bottom step and stayed quiet for a while.. looking back he noticed the baby. Is that all these guys do is stare at babies, I know she's gorgeous and all but darn.

"She's pretty, my grandmother was telling me about her"

"Your grandmother?"

"Yeah, the little old woman who helped you.. you stay in this home?"


"Do you know anyone who goes by June bug?"

June bug? My dad is the only person I know that goes by that name. But it couldn't be true.

"Yeah, do you know where he is?"

"Nah, but I'm gonna get going.. I'll see you around"

He got up in hurry and began to walk off. I followed after him curious as to why he asked me that. I needed to know if he could help me find him.

"Why'd you ask me that!? I need to find him, please tell me if you know where he is"

"I don't know, I was just wondering"

"You know something or else you wouldn't have asked, no one calls him June bug but those close to him.. where is he?"

He turned around so quick I flinched, he stepped into my face as close as he could without squishing the baby.

"I said I don't know, now go sit your young ass down somewhere!"

I blinked away my tears, determined not to give him the satisfaction to him me  cry.

"Why ask me if you weren't going to tell me" I spoke barely above a whisper, he flagged me off and walked away.  I rushed back towards the porch grabbed the bottle and went inside. I wanted to slam the door so bad but I couldn't because it would startle Eliza.

I stormed past Mr Daveli who was sitting in the chair looking sicker than usual. He stopped me and asked what was wrong, he seemed genuinely concerned. I pulled away and told him it was nothing, I wasn't used to his sudden nice man act.

I laid Eliza down and started writing in my book. I tend to write a lot more when I'm down or upset.. I filled up the whole page rather quickly. The more I wrote the sadder I got. I closed the book and sat on the bed wondering why Kidd would ask me that.

I couldn't help but think he knew something more than he was saying. I laid down using this time to try and rest before duty calls. Before I could get comfortable I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turned over to see Max, he's Mr. Devali's grandson.

I was surprised anyone would want him let alone have kids with him. Max was just the sweetest. He was here to visit, his mom comes every other weekend to check on things in the house.

"Max, what's wrong?"

He shrugged his shoulders and climbed in bed and laid by Eliza. I watched him get comfortable beside her and close his eyes.

"Ok.. then"

Just then I remembered I had to fold clothes and clean bottles, I got up and sat on the floor folding clothes. My mind went back to Kidd and his stupid ass, I should have listened and stayed away.  Even though he approached me, I should have went in the house.

I'm very sensitive when it comes to my dad.. that little incident between Kidd and I will replay in my mind a million times before I let it go. I'm going to think of so many reasons why he could have asked that for days. I hate knowing that someone could possibly help me and they choose not too.

"Oh hell no, why is my son in your bed!?"

"Because he came in here and went to sleep, maybe if you watch him he wouldn't wander off"

"Shut up you little bitch, I can't stand you"

"And yet I still don't care Cecilia, take Max and get out before you wake up the baby"

"Your so lucky my son is here or else I'd kick your stupid ass"

"Oh.. my.. gosh, I'm so scared. Now get out of my room you ugly bitch"

I had to ask God for, forgiveness due to my choice of words but she's just like her dad. Trying to belittle me and make me feel bad about myself. That stopped a long time ago, they will no longer say hurtful things and get away with it.

She grabbed Max and stormed out of the room, for the old bitch she is, she sure acts like a kid.. I palmed my forehead and continued what I was doing. I swear I have to get out of here and soon.

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