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You visit him while he's in holding waiting for his trial.

   "You can go in now," the guard says, opening the door revealing Carl inside. I walk in and sit across from him, the guard closes the door and stands outside.

   I smiled at Carl, "you're a fucking idiot, ya know that?"

  He chuckled, "I had a good plan! Stupid police officers," he scoffed. "You gonna miss me while I'm in juvie?"

"Eh I could live without you," I joked, he pretended to be hurt. "Carl, you gotta listen to Fiona. If you tell them G-Dog gave you the drugs they'll probably give you a shorter sentence."

  He sighed, "if I do that I won't survive in juvie Y/N. People in there worked with him, they find out I snitched, I'll end up dead."

  Tears started to well in my eyes, Carl reached his hand across the table to reach mine, "I'll get a year max. I'll be out before you know it." I sniffled and kept my gaze on the table, "baby girl, look at me please." I glanced up sadly at him, "it's gonna be fine, I might even get out on good behaviour which means less than a year in there."

  I laughed, "You?" I paused, "good behaviour? I'd like to see that." He rolled his eyes. I smiled lightly at him, sad that this was probably the last time I'd be able to talk to him before he got sent away for a year. "I love you, Carl."

He gave me a sad smile, "I love you too Y/N."

**********8 months later********

  "Yo, Y/N. Is that Carl?" My friend Y/F/N asked pointing behind me.

  I have her a confused looked, turning around to see who she was talking about, "holy fucking shit! Carl!" I yelled running towards him.

  He smiled and picked me up, letting me hug him tightly, "hey baby girl."

  "Don't you still have four months left?" I asked as he put me back on the ground.

  "Good behaviour." He smirked at me with that 'I told ya so" kind of look, "ya like the hair?"

   I looked up at his hair that was in corn rows, "oh my god," I gasped, "you know what, it kinda makes you look ten times hotter." I smirked back.

  "Fuck anyone while I was gone?"

  "Nah, I don't cheat." Carl raised an eyebrow at me as to suggest what else I must've done instead, "don't give me that look! What else was I gonna do?" I laughed punching him lightly in the chest.

  "While we're on the topic, I thought I'd give you a heads up, Kev is gonna ask you about the other inmates getting it up the ass." I rolled my eyes giggling.

Carl brushed a strand of hair behind me ear, "god I missed that laugh," I hid my face in his shirt to hide the blush on my face, "so, what do you say we go back to my crib and make up for lost time?" He smirked again.

I turned around to Y/F/N, "I'll see ya later Y/F/N!" I waved, turning back around and following Carl to his "crib".

I'm on season 6 and Debbie is really starting to annoy me.

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