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   People were always shocked when I told them that my best friend lived on the south side.

   I mean, I grew up on the south side, but I was raised in a high class family.

   Oddly enough though when I was ten I befriended a sketchy south side kid named Carl Gallagher, who now at seventeen years old is still my best friend.

   Carl and I aren't really as different as you would think, I mean like I said, I grew up on the south side.

   We would stay up late and wander the streets, hangout around druggy street corners, get drunk at sketchy ass parties, and do the other usual stuff any south side kid does.

   It wasn't until my parents realized what I was really up to that they decided to move away from the south side so I wouldn't end up in a bad place. They still allowed me to be friends with Carl though, but since we lived far away we couldn't really hangout all too much.

   So, this weekend I decided to bring him to Coachella with me.

   It was Thursday morning and I had texted Carl to tell him I was having my mom drop me off at his house.

   I walked up to the front porch and walked into the house, "Carl!" I yelled.

   "Upstairs!" He answered. I ran up the stairs and walked into his room, "what's up, Y/N?"

   I smiled excitedly, "what's up is that tonight you and I are leaving to go to Coachella!" I squealed.

   His eyes widened, "you're joking..." I always told Carl about how much I wanted to go to Coachella but I never really had any friends to go with because I knew he wouldn't want to come. But he told me that he would love to go with me and the more I talked about it the more excited he would get.

   I nodded my head vigorously and showed him the VIP wristbands I had bought. Carl ran over to me and picked me up of the ground, spinning me in the air.

   "Pack your shit we gotta leave in like six hours," I laughed after he put me down.

   "What do I wear? Everyone always wears such extravagant things," he replied referring to the pictures of outfits I always showed him.

   "Dude, you're wearing the trashiest thing right now. Wear that and you'll be fine," I chuckled again.

   "Oh fuck off Y/N." Carl gave me the finger as he rummaged through his dresser.

   "Look we leave at five, and it'll only take up like an hour to fly there so we can go shopping for clothes when we land."

   "Okay that might be a good idea," he said smiling. "I feel like I'm more excited than you and I don't even know why."

   I snorted, "bitch you wish you were more excited than me. I've been waiting to go to Coachella since we met," I tell him sitting on his bed. "I don't think I'll ever stop smiling."

   Carl rolled his eyes chuckling, "you're so dramatic, Y/N."

   "Fuck off." Now it was my turn to give him the finger.


We finally landed in California and our Uber took us to our hotel.

Once we got to the hotel we set our luggage down and I threw myself onto the bed. The room was really nice. It had a huge bathroom, a small kitchen, a tv, two beds, and a beautiful view.

It was around 7 pm and both Carl and I were exhausted but then once I remembered that we needed to go shopping I was full of energy all over again.

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