Ian (Requested Imagine)

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                   Requested by: xxirwin

   Without knocking, I made my way into the Gallagher house, looking for my best friend Ian.

"Hey little man," I said to Liam, ruffling his hair as I passed by him on the couch. He just nodded not paying attention to me as he watched tv.

I walked into the kitchen seeing Debbie and Lip sitting at the table, and Frank rummaging through the fridge.

"Hey Lip. Hey Debs," I smiled. "Frank," I acknowledge.

Frank stuck his head out of the fridge, "lovely to see you, Y/N. Come to free load at my house again I see?" He muttered. "Taking everything I bought with my hard earned money?"

I chuckled, "Frank, you haven't cleared your tab at the Alibi in like two years. I'm pretty sure you don't have any money."

"Because all of the money I get is put into this house!" He exaggerated.

"You do fuck all for this house, Frank," Lip added in.

Frank rolled his eyes and went back to looking through the fridge.

"Looking for Ian?" Debbie asked me taking a sip of her beer.

I nodded.

"He should be home soon. He was out with Geneva for some gay Jesus thing again," she explained. "Anyway," she stood up from the table, "Franny and I are going to Patsy's to meet up with Alex, so we'll see you later." Debbie took Franny and made her way to the front door.

   "Where's Xan?" I asked Lip.

   "Back with her mom," he said with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

    I patted his back lightly, "sorry, Lip."

He just shrugged.

Then all of a sudden, Ian comes bolting into the house, panting and sweating like no tomorrow.

He leaned against the couch to catch his breath as he wiped his sweaty forehead with his arm.

   "The fuck happened to you?" Lip questioned.

   "Fucking homophobic assholes is what happened," Ian exclaimed walking over to us.

   He pushed Frank away from the fridge and grabbed a beer.

    "Ungrateful off spring! All of you!" Frank bellowed before walking out the back door.

   We all rolled our eyes.

   "So, what exactly happened?" I asked Ian.

   "I was walking home and some van full of guys pulled up, asked about gay Jesus, almost jumped me and then chased me home." He took a sip of his beer acting like this was casual. Although considering we live on the south side of Chicago, this was pretty casual.

   "Shit, are you okay?" Lip asked.

   "Besides my lungs almost collapsing? I'm fine," he smiled as Lip and I laughed.

   "Hey gay man! We know you're in there!" Someone yelled from the outside the window.

   Lip, Ian, and I all exchanged worried looks.

   "When you said they chased you home, you were serious?" I questioned Ian.


   "Fuck! Y/N, get the bat from my room," Lip ordered.

   I obeyed, running upstairs, grabbing the bat, and running back downstairs to Lip. He took the bat from me and we all slowly walking to the living room.

   "Get out here you pussy!" Another voice screamed.

   "What do we do?" I turned to the boys.

    "I'll go out," Ian said.

   "No you fucking won't! We don't know what weapons they have!" I responded.

   I walked over to the window.

   "Y/N!" Lip growled. "Don't go any closer we don't know what they'll do!"

   Ian grabbed my wrist, stopping me from going any closer.

   I glared at them, "guys, it's fine. I just want to see what the—"

   Before I could finish my sentence, something came flying through the window.

  Ian quickly pull me to the side, moving his body in front of mine to cover me from any harm. Because he was taller than me, my face was buried in his chest, my arms were tucked in between us, and his arms were cradled behind me head.

   Whatever was thrown through the window landed on the wood floor with a loud crash.

   "It was a fucking brick!" Lip exclaimed.

    Ian uncovered me, but kept his arm around my waist protectively.

   He looked down and smiled at me relieved.

   "Thanks, Ian," I said softly.

   "No need to thank me, I'd rather it be me getting hurt than you."

    "Ready to go beat some homophobic ass?" Lip sneered.

   "Hell yeah!" Ian yelled, throwing his fist in the air.

    I just chuckled shaking my head at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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