Lip Pt.1

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   "Yo is anyone home?!" I called from outside the Gallagher's house. I knocked on the door but no one answered. I was looking for my boyfriend, Lip.

   He hasn't been around the whole day, which worries me because he's been drinking pretty heavily lately.

   I groaned giving up on someone answering. I opened the door, letting myself inside and closing the door behind me.

   "Hello?" I called again. As I walked closer to the kitchen I saw someone's feet peeking out from the side of the fridge. I walked into the kitchen, only to find Lip barely conscious with a couple of empty alcohol bottles beside him.

   "Fucking fantastic," I sighed. "Alright, come on then." I helped Lip stand up and he wobbled slightly. I helped him up the stairs and to his bedroom.

   He sat on his bed and I handed him a glass of water, "drink it."

   He glared at me, "why?"

   "Because you're drunk as hell and need to sober up. You have work in less than four hours."

He pushed my hand away from him, "you're not my mother Y/N. Don't tell me what to do."

I held the glass of water closer to his face, rolling my eyes, "just drink the fucking water Lip."

   He suddenly stood up, startling me, making me stumble back slightly. He hit the water out of my hand making it spill all over the floor and the glass shatter everywhere.

   "What the fuck Lip!" I yelled.

   "I said. Don't. Tell. Me. What. To. Do!"

I jumped slightly at his now even more aggressive tone, "ok, just calm down babe." I pushed him gently back down onto the bed.

He stood up quickly again, pushing me backwards into the dresser behind me, "fuck!" I yelled in pain.

"Why are you such a controlling bitch?!" He screamed in my face. His breath reeked of alcohol, and now that I really noticed, his entire body smells like alcohol.

I tried to push past him but he grabbed my wrist harshly, keeping me put where I was.

"Lip, you're hurting me," I cried quietly.

"Shut up!" Suddenly before I could fully process what he said, I felt his hand collide with me cheek, leaving a burning sensation.

I used all my strength to push him off of me. I ran down the stairs and just as I was about to leave, Carl walked in the front door.

He must've seen the red mark on my face, and the tears running down my cheeks because he dropped his bags and rushed over to me.

"Y/N, what happened?! Are you ok?!" He asked panicked.

I shook my head, "Lip is drunk in his room. He hit me," I whispered the last part.

"That son of a bitch!" Carl ran upstairs and after a couple of seconds I heard yelling and a door slamming shut.

I sat down on the couch, holding my cheek in my hand, wincing from the pain. I can't believe he did that. I mean, I know he's drunk, but I never in my life imagined Lip hitting me.

Carl walked slowly down the stairs and over to me. He knelt down in front of me and held my hand gently.

"Are you ok?" He asked softly.

   I sniffled, and shook my head. I showed him my right wrist which was now covered in a light purple bruise.

Carl stood up and walked over to the kitchen. I heard him open the freezer door and a few moments later he walked back in with two bags of frozen vegetables.

"Here, one for your face and one for your wrist," he said with a goofy grin, trying to lighten the mood. I laughed lightly and held one bag to my face as the other rested on my cheek.

   Carl sat down beside me and gave me a hug. I started to cry onto his shoulder, while he gently rubbed my back.

   "He's drunk Y/N, he would never do that to you when he's sober. He just wasn't thinking straight," Carl said.

   I pulled away from the hug and leaned back on the couch, "I know," I paused. "But he's been drinking a lot recently. I can barely remember a time in the past two weeks that I've seen him sober," I mumbled.

   "I'll talk to him later about it. Try and get him in those AA meetings, ok?"

   I smiled softly at Carl, "thank you," I told him. "I should probably go now." I stood up, and Carl did the same. I put the frozen vegetables on the table then gave Carl a light hug and began walking toward the front door, "can you call me when he's better?"

   "Yeah definitely, see ya later Y/N,"

   "Bye Carl. Thanks again," I said and walked out the front door.

There's gonna be a part 2

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