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   Despite living on the South Side of Chicago, my family does pretty good for themselves. Which is why I can afford to go to a very high class ballet school.

   I have been dancing since I was three years old and since the age of six up until my current age of sixteen, ballet has been what my life revolved around.

   I have been to numerous ballet competitions all across the United States but recently I have just decided to keep it local just for this year to give myself a break.

   I was at an small theatre getting ready for my solo performance that was about to start in ten minutes. I quickly did my makeup and got changed into my costume as the other dancers were performing.


   I finished getting ready just as my name was called to go on

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   I finished getting ready just as my name was called to go on.

   I walked onto the stage and the lights began to dim. The music started and I put a smile on my face and began to do my routine.

   It was three minutes long and I preformed it perfectly. People cheered once I was finished and I bowed at the audience before running off stage.

   I wiped the light bit of sweat from my forehead as my teacher walked up to me, "Y/N you did wonderful as always. You looked so beautiful up there hun," she praised me.

   I smiled kindly at her, "I owe it all to you Miss. Karlee, you are an amazing teacher," I thanked her as I continued to breath heavily as I was still trying to catch my breath.

   "Thank you dear, now run along home. You need to be well rested for tomorrow, we have a long drive ahead of us," she told me. Tomorrow I was headed off to a competition that was six hours away.

   This competition was a big deal for me because if I get first or second place I get a scholarship to my absolute dream ballet school.

   I changed out of my costume and put some leggings and a sweater over my bodysuit. I left my hair in the tight bun and grabbed my duffel bag and made my way to the exit.

   Before I was about to leave a boy around my age stopped to talk to me, "hey, was that you who just preformed up there? In the blue?" He asked curiously.

   I smiled softly, "yeah."

   "You did amazing," he complimented. "Are you from around here?"

   "Actually yeah I am. I live just a block away," I relied quietly being careful not to bother the other people watching the dancers.

   "I've never seen you at school," he said.

   I pulled the strap of my duffle bag further up my shoulder, "I do online school since I travel a lot for competitions and stuff," I clarified. "I've never seen you around here, and I come here a lot," I laughed.

   "Yeah I was accidentally given the wrong address, but when I saw you up there I wanted to stay and watch." the boy blushed. "My names Carl Gallagher by the way."

  "Nice to meet you Carl, I'm Y/N." I stuck out my hand for him to shake it and he did. "Well I have to get going but I'll see you around."

  "Wait!" He stopped me. "Do you maybe want to hangout tomorrow?"

   "I have a competition six hours away tomorrow, but how about Saturday, so in two days?"

   "Sure!" He replied eagerly.

   I scribbled my number on a piece of paper and handed it to him, "here's my number, I'll see you Saturday Carl Gallagher." I smiled, and with that I left the theatre and walked home.

Fun Fact: I've been in dance for 12 years!

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