Lip Pt.2

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It's been two days and I finally decided to go see Lip. I would've went to his house yesterday but I needed a day to myself to just think and relax without having to feel like I needed to babysit Lip while I was with him.

I knocked on the door and Ian answered, stepping aside to let me in.

"What's up, Y/N?" Ian asked after he closed the front door.

"Just here to see Lip," I relied. "Is he upstairs?" I asked stepping up the stairs.

Ian nodded and sat down on the couch, turning his attention back to the tv.

I walked up the stairs and to Lip's room. As I opened the door I saw Lip asleep on his bed with a tear stained face.

I sat on the edge of his bed placed my hand gently on his face. I rubbed my thumb across his cheek and his eyes fluttered open.

When he saw it was me and sat up quickly and pulled me into a tight hug, "I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N. I hate myself for hurting you, I swear I'll never ever do that again."

I pulled away and sighed, "how do I know that I can believe you? You were drunk, Lip. And you're drunk a lot," I said softly. "How do I know that the next time you're drunk you won't hit me?"

A tear rolled down Lip's cheek, "because I'll get help. I'll go to the AA meetings and get a sponsor," Lip pleaded.

I looked down at my hands and let out a shaky breath. I stood up from the bed and looked into Lip's eyes, "it's hard to stop drinking when you're an alcoholic, Lip. My dad is an alcoholic. Why do you think I haven't seen him in three years?" I asked.

Lip just looked at me.

"He was drunk all the time. I remember the first time he hit me, Lip. He did exactly what you're doing right now," I paused to hold back my tears. "He promised to get help and said that he would never ever lay a hand on me again. His promise only lasted two days, Lip."

"Y/N, I'm not like your dad," Lip mumbled grabbing my hand.

I pulled my hand away and looked down, "but you have the same problem. And I'm not going through it all over again. I can't Lip. I went through it for almost five years. I can't do it again."

I began to walk out of his room, "Y/N. please!"

I turned around to look at him, "until you have gotten help and are sober for at least a month I just can't be with you. I love you, Lip, I do. But I cannot and will not be in this position again." And with that I walked out of his room and left the house.


    I haven't heard from Lip in three months and so far I have been ok. He hasn't tried to contact me which tells me he's still getting drunk and not going to AA.

   I sat on the couch at my apartment and watched Mamma Mia.

   My phone rang so I picked it up, "Hello?"

   A frustrated sigh came through the other end, "Y/N, I'm fucking sick of this!"


   "Please please come help Lip!" Carl pleaded.

   I sighed, "Car-"

   "He won't go the AA meetings unless you take him. Please, Y/N. I'm worried about him." He begged.

   "Fine,"I said standing up from the couch. "I'll be over in ten minutes."

   I hung up the phone and put my shoes on, heading to my car.

   Once I got to the Gallagher household I walked inside and and saw Carl sitting on the couch, and Lip passed out next to him.

   "Carl I swear to god if he is drunk right now I am leaving," I sneered.

   Carl shook his head, "he hasn't slept in almost four days," he explained. "He finally gave up and passed out."

   I walked over to Lip and Carl walked out of the room to give us some space.

   I gently shook Lip awake and when he saw me his tired, bloodshot eyes lit up, "Y/N!"

   "Get dressed. I'm taking you to AA."

   "I thought you said you didn't want to help me?"

   "Yeah, well Carl called so here I am. Now put clean clothes on we're leaving in ten."

Lip ran upstairs and came back down after a few minutes with a fresh pair of clothes.

"Ready?" I asked.

Lip nodded and we walked out to my car and I drove to place where the AA meetings are held.

Once we got there, we walked to the entrance but before we went in Lip stopped just outside the door, "what?" I asked.

"I don't think I can't do it, Y/N," he mumbled nervously.

"Hey," I said stepping closer, "you can do it. I'll be with you the whole time."

"What if I end up like your dad?"

I sighed, "you even said it yourself, 'you aren't my dad'. You just have the same problem, but you're braver than he ever was Lip," I told him softly.

Lip looked through the open door of the building and let out a shaky breath.

I took a deep breath and without thinking I grabbed Lip's hand and I immediately noticed him relax more, "you'll be ok, Lip," I paused and took another deep breath. "I love you."

Lip looked up at me, "I love you too, Y/N. So much more than you'll ever know."

I smiled lightly and pressed a soft kiss on his lips, "come on, we can't be late." I said after we pulled away. And with that, we walked into the small building together hand-in-hand.

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