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   Mickey had called me twenty minutes ago to come over and talk his boyfriend and my best friend, Ian into going to a psychiatric hospital for his bipolar disorder. Ian has constantly refused saying "I'm fine don't worry about me."

   I had just pulled onto Mickey's street when I see Ian running out of the house with Mickey's son in his arms. He put Yevgeny in the back seat and got into the drivers seat and sped off down the street.

   I decided to follow him knowing he might be doing some stupid and reckless that could get him in trouble.

   After forty five minutes of following behind Ian I still don't think he realizes it's me. Just as we turned a corner Mickey called me, "Hey!" I said putting my phone on speakerphone.

   "Ian took off with Yevgeny!" Mickey told me panicking.

   "I know," I paused as we came to a stop at a red light, "I saw as I pulled down your street. I'm a few cars behind him. Don't worry."

   Mickey sighed with relief, "oh thank god."

I chuckled lightly trying to lighten the mood, "I'll call you when he's parked somewhere and I can get him."

   "Alright, thanks Y/N," Mickey said softly. I hung up the phone and continued to follow Ian. Two cars were between me and Ian but I could still see him.

   We turned down a few more streets until it was just us two on a dirt road, "where the fuck are you going Ian?" I grumbled shaking my head.

My phone let off my ringtone and I looked down to see Mickey was texting me asking if Ian had stopped yet.

I guess I didn't realize how long I had been looking down for because suddenly I heard a loud honking noise. I looked up only to see I was heading straight towards a transport truck. I screamed and swerved out of the way only to fly into the ditch.

At this point I was barely conscious after tumbling down off the road. I couldn't count how many times I felt my car flip out of control. My car was upside down, and my eyes were barely open when I heard people yelling and running over to me.



Beep Beep Beep Beep

My eyes cracked open only for me to shut them again from the immensely bright white that surrounded me. After a couple seconds I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light. Am I in a hospital? Oh yeah, I remember what happened...the car accident.

   The room door opened and a man who I assumed was the doctor entered smiling lightly, "glad to see your awake. I'm Dr.Shay," he said walking up to me and and checking the IV bag.

   I chuckled lightly, still sore from all my injuries, "how long have I been here for?"

   "About a day and a half," he told me. "You seem to be doing fine, although you have a fractured wrist and a slight neck injury. Other than that it's just cuts and bruises." He explained, "oh, there are two young men out in the hall waiting for you by the names of Mickey and Ian. Shall I send them in?" Dr. Shay asked kindly.

   "Yeah, please." He nodded and walked out of my room, and after a couple seconds Mickey and Ian walked in.

   Ian immediately ran over to me and carefully hugged me, "I thought you were gonna die!" He cried softly.

   "Well bitch you thought," I joked trying to lighten the mood. "You can't get rid of me that easily," I said. He sniffled and I gently pushed him off of me so I could hold his face in my hands, "I love you Ian." I smiled softly.

   He smiled back at me, "I love you too Y/N."

   "Alright Milkovich, get your ass over here." I chuckled lightly.

   Mickey walked over to me and gave me a light embrace, "I'm sorry I texted you Y/N. This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't of texted you," he apologized.

   "Don't be, I shouldn't of answered while I was driving," I told him. "On the bright side, it caught Ian's attention. I don't know how long I would've been driving because of the idiot over there." I laughed glancing over at Ian who just playfully rolled his eyes and they both followed me by laughing along with me.

   "We're glad you're okay, Y/N," Ian said sincerely and Mickey nodded in agreement.

"Me too."

Aye aye aye
The last 2 episodes of season 7 fucked me up not gonna lie

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