A Fight Can Cause a New Beggining

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Ink's Pov~
"Error! Stop this madness and surrender, I don't want to fight you!" I shouted to Error, his blue strings wrapped around my hands and feet. I gaze over to see Dream with her bubble up, protecting her and Blue from Cross's large knife. Fell comes out of  no where and has a gaster blaster at the ready. I scream " BLUE, DREAM! BEHIND YOU!" Blue turned to face Fell and to the looks of it, she's trying to talk to him while Dream's still dealing with Cross and holding the force bubble. Suddenly Error tightens the strings and has now gotten ahold of my soul, oh no! What is he planning? He smirks and started squeezing his strings tighter around me and my soul but before anyone could do anything Flash! Everything went white then black,then...cold, all I could feel was cold, am I...am I dead?
My vision soon returned as I could feel Blue gently shaking my unconscious body. "Ner, what happened?" I asked not fully awake yet. Blue smiled and hugged me, as I sat up I saw Dream holding up a sound-proof bubble with a smile on her face knowing that I was alright seemed to make her smile even brighter than usual. I smile and repeat my question, hoping for an answer but they shook their heads and shrugged telling me they didn't know. I looked around and saw Error laying unconscious a few meters away, with Cross slightly shaking Fell awake further in the background. I then realised where we are "We're in the anti void" I exclaim with a worried expression laid on my face. Error started moving and then screams were heard from him as he is now holding his head in what seems to be pain. I looked at him then to Dream and Blue, thankfully they understood what I was asking, Dream opened the bubble for me to get out. They knew that I can't stand to see anyone hurt or afraid even if they were my enemy. I sat next to him and rested my hand carefully on his shoulder to try and calm him down. It worked, surprisingly and then Error looked at me confused and then looked at his hands and at mine on his shoulder. He smiled slightly and then he spoke, a little less glitched than usual "WhY? HO-w am I NOt gliChINg? YouR touChinG me-e I SHould haVe crasheD by nOw". I just stared then realised he must have haphephobia but why was he not gliChINg from my touch, he must...trust me? Fell 'mustard' woken up a while ago because I just realised now that everyone was watching Error and I, my face flushes with a rainbow blush as I got up hiding my face in my scarf. I tried to teleport or make a portal but nothing was working a look of terror and worry swept over me as Error did the same. We just looked at each other as bad memories clouded our minds, we looked to the others and explained to them what is happening when suddenly a title screen popped up above our heads. It read 'Ask and Dare the Anti/Star Sanses'. Everyone looked at Error and I, as we looked at each other I gulp as I know for a fact from experience that this was a very bad idea but anything, even playing a game that will most likely end terribly, is better than sitting in the lifeless, blank anti void with nothing to do. I'm guessing Error had the same thought as we then announced with much sarcasm " welcome everyone, askers to an ask and dare of the Anti/Star Sanses." A ping sound was heard as we got our first 'ask or dare' oh boy this will be interesting.j

The ask box is now open, feel free to leave an ask or dare at any time. : ) Have fun my cinnamon rolls, madymoocow away!

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