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Finally, an update!! Hello my cinnamon rolls, sorry it's been so long. I hope you enjoy.

Please wait to play the song. (Or if you just wanna listen to it on repeat till the end, I don't mind. '\_("/)_/' )

Awkward_Sm0l_Bean asks:
To Ink: I dare you to make PaperFresh happen again! To all: and everyone here who left an ask or dare has to get a hug from everyone.

BluDreamer123 asks:
I have a question for Ink: why are you so protective over Paperjam?
To Dream: Have you accidentally hurt anyone?
To Blueberry: have you ever sworn before?

Fox1Chan asks:
To Dream and Ink: did you know you have a child named Palette? And to Ink and Blue: did you know you have a kid named Blueprint?

Jannahkili101 asks:
To everyone except for the Star Sanses: What do you guys think of the yandere versions of the Star Sanses? How would you guys feel?
To the Star Sanses: on a scale of 1-10, how much would you hate yourselves if you become yandere versions of yourselves? How would you guys feel about it?
To PJ, Cherry and Lux: how does it feel to be a big brother/sister?

dreamtalefangirl asks: To Ink : INK! Can you look at my book of my drawings. Please, youll love the pg.s that have my own AUs.

To Senpai Nightmare: Nightmare...... I understand you. You have know Idea what I'd do for you. * shoves Killers dead body out of the way* Its not like im a yandere or anything.


To PJ: ...... I dare you to kiss fresh. There's no turning back.

* puts Killers dead body in an infiltrator to burn his corps and evidence*. * wispers to self* Senpai Nightmare belongs to me. Only me, without him, I wont feel true feelings and be happy. * leaves before she gets cought and frames it on her other rival in the right ways*

bunbun83 asks: I dare the kids to sing Timber!!

AvachanArcher asks: I need to ask all the Sanses this...Would you hate me for liking Dream's brother, Nightmare?

dabestsushi asks: I dare Blue to act rude, sour, rotten, ect, (Kinda like the opposite to how she normally acts) to everyone for six whole chapters. (Sorry Blue, you are my favourite though) I also dare everyone to tell their darkest secrets.

*bunbun83 appears in front of everyone* "Hi" *grabs Blue, lifts her above their head and runs away and hides her somewhere in the house. They run back* "FELL! GO AND FIND YOUR WAFIU!!" *bunbun83 jumps out the window and hides in the bush, watching Red freak out and go for a hunt to find his wafiu. ~shipping intensifies~*

No One's Pov~
Error was asleep on the couch when a portal opened above him, a scrunched up piece of paper was pegged through it and hit Error in the face. He woke up with a grunt and grabbed the paper ball and unwrapped it. "4r9! @N07h3r D@r€.." Error spoke to himself as he read the slip further. "7o Ink: ! d@r3 ¥0u 7o m@k€ P@p3rFr€$h h@pP€n @9@¡N!" ...Error inhaled "INKY!!" Ink came running downstairs with a panicked expression "are you alright, what happened?!" Error just let out a little chuckle and patted the space beside him, he received a puzzled expression as Ink sat beside him. Error spoke calmly "T-the ne-ext dare-re is for-for-for you..." Ink gave a slightly disappointed look and then nodded "so what is it?" Error spoke carefully "you've b-been dared t-t-to make P-p-PaperfREsh h-happeN." Ink's expression went annoyed "are you kidding me? I've already done that!!" Error chuckled to himself enjoying Ink's protective side. "Arg!" Ink shouted as a portal opened up above them, Ink stepped out of the way as Fresh was pegged through the portal screaming "YO GABBA GABB-OoF!!" Ink went to grab broomie but it wasn't there "darn it! I forgot we don't have our 'weapons' here!!" Error was trying to hold back from laughing as he admired his, now angered, wafiu. Fresh stood up dusted himself off and readjusted his shades, he looked around for a second and then his gaze landed on Ink and Error. He stepped back for safety cautions and spoke "whaz up, my narcissistic self shipping brotato's?" The two rolled their eye lights at Fresh's lingo as Ink then grabbed a regular broom and pretended to sweat him away like dust. "Uh, that's uncool brah" Ink sweeped him up the stairs and to Jammy's room. "You know the rules" Ink says sending Fresh a glare. "You know it broskie" Fresh said as he shot finger guns at Ink. She rolled her eye lights and jabbed the other end of the broom into Fresh, pushing him into Jammy's room. Ink then walked back downstairs, Error smiled as he watched his enraged wifey walk down and sit with him. Error wrapped an arm around Ink to comfort her when another piece of scrunched up paper hit Error in the skull. Ink giggled at Error's unhappy reaction as she unwrapped the paper and read it. "Oh, that's an easy one. Jammy is my precious baby and I'm not gonna let some parasite possessed idiot touch my sweet innocent Jammy." Error chuckled slightly as he admired his lover. Ink was leaning into Error for a kiss when Blue and Dream walked in, interrupting them. Another piece of paper hit Error in the skull "a-@r3 ¥0U k-K!dDInG mE?!" Error said through gritted teeth, Ink giggled as she picked up the paper and read it. "Oh, it's for you two" Ink said as she gestured to Blue and Dream, the two looked at each other and smiled excitedly. Dream took the paper and read it, her smile dropped and her eye sockets widened as tears started to fall down her maxilla. Blue leaned over Dreams shoulder and read it 'To Dream: Have you accidentally hurt anyone?' Blue pulled Dream into a hug and Ink got up and joined them. Dream sniffled "I-I'm *hic* s-so s-sorry, I didn't *hic* m-mean to" Ink rubbed comforting circles into Dreams back as Blue shushed him and said comforting things. All of a sudden a loud crash was heard and the four look to the window to see that Cross had jumped through the window and was next to Dream within a second. He wrapped his arms around Dream and pulled her into a loving embrace, he whispered sweet nothings into Dream's non-existent ear. He then death glared BluDreamer123 (Hey, don't brake the fourth wall!!) as he picked Dream up and left to their room. Blue picked up the paper that Dream dropped and read the ask for her outloud "Have you ever sworn before? I don't believe I have, so I'd say no. Not that I can remember" Ink rolled her eye lights "Blue, I've never heard you swear before. I don't even know if you're capable of it, how do you even have to think about that." Blue smiled and gave Ink a hug, she hugged back. An angered ramble of random noises broke the two's hug as Error was growling at another scrunched up paper that had hit his skull. Ink giggles and walked over to Error, planting a kiss on his cranium as she picks up the paper and un-scrunches it. Blue leaned over Ink's shoulder as Ink read it out loud "To Dream and Ink: did you know you have a child named Palette? And to Ink and Blue: did you know you have a kid named Blueprint?" The two nodded, Blue spoke up "we know them" Ink nodded in agreement, earning a confused look from Error. Ink explains "We were having a sleep over and got bored waiting for Dream to arrive, so while we waited we decided to draw us as a fusion. We then had an idea to do fusions with Dream too, when Dream finally arrived I had eaten all the candy. I felt so sick that I ended up throwing up all over our drawings before we could show Dream. Suddenly the ink started to form into small skeletons and that was when I knew, I stuffed up. Anywho, long story short we treated them as if they were our kids and now they're off living their lives with their lovers." Ink said it so casually that Error just shrugged it off "C-co0L" Ink sat next to Error on the couch with a smile. Another scrunched up piece of paper got thrown at Error but this time he caught it. "H@!¡" Ink giggles as Error un-scrunched the paper and immediately regretted it as a portal opened above him and an unconscious Dust and Nightmare got thrown through, both of them landing on top of him. Error crashed from the physical contact as Ink only burst into laughter. She left them there and grabbed the slip of paper from Error's hand and looked at it "wow, this is a long one. Let's see what we got here, oh there's one for me. To me: INK! Can you look at my book of drawings. Please, youll love the pg.s that have my own AUs. Okay" A laptop appears on Ink's lap as she sits down and logs into wattpad. She starts looking through dreamtalefangirl' book with a smile as she admires their artworks. "These are really good, you're so creative." Ink smiles and continues reading. "To DustBerry: KIIIIIISSSSSS. To PJ: ...... I dare you to kiss fresh. There's no turning back." Ink stops and inhales slowly. "WHAT?!!!" Ink was so furious about the second dare that she didn't even take any notice of the first one. Ink stormed upstairs and flung the door open to see her Jammy and Fresh playing Mario Kart on the wii. Ink sighed in slight relief and walked away, leaving both PJ and Fresh very confused. All of a sudden a small portal opened and a piece of paper was place through. PJ picked it up and read it, her face engulfed in a bright magenta blush as she walked over to the confused Fresh and grabbed his jacket and forcefully pulled him into a kiss. The two enjoyed the kiss and pulled away a few seconds later, it felt like a few minutes to them. Both their faces engulfed in blush as the two continued playing Mario Kart while trying to not make things awkward. Ink walked downstairs to be greeted by, a now conscious and confused, Dust and Nightmare. The two had gotten off Error and we're looking around, Ink stood back for a second to see what they were gonna do. Nightmare noticed Error and walked over to him, he tapped the reboot button and then walked back over to Dust. As Error was rebooting Ink walked downstairs and spoke up "welcome to our special game." Sarcasm laced through her voice as the two jumped slightly and turned their attention to Ink, now both in a fighting stance. "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt ya." The two hesitantly dropped their defences as Nightmare raised a non-existent eyebrow. "You're here because you've been given an ask or dare by the anons." Ink explained as she ripped the piece of paper and handed a piece to each of them. Dust raised his non-existent brow as he read the paper. "Who's DustBerry?" Dust asked as he looked up from the paper and at Ink. She only smirked and stated "It's the ship name between you and Blueberry." Dust dropped the paper, raised his hands and turned to the door "Nope, I'm out" "aww, is somebody a chicken? Berk berk" Ink playfully teased, Dust sent Ink a death glare as he walked back to her and stated "Challenge accepted" Ink only giggles as she saw Dust heading upstairs, assuming Blue was up there. Ink's attention was directed to Nightmare as he was rereading the paper out loud. "Uhh... To Senpai Nightmare: Nightmare...... I understand you. You have know Idea what I'd do for you." Suddenly dreamtalefangirl jumped through a window and gave Nightmare a smile as she shoves Killers dead body out of the way and speaks "Its not like I'm a yandere or anything." She then walks away and secretly puts Killers dead body in an infiltrator to burn his corps and evidence. She whispers to herself "Senpai Nightmare belongs to me. Only me, without him, I wont feel true feelings and be happy." dreamtalefangirl leaves before she gets cought and frames it on her other rival in the right ways. Nightmare spoke to Ink, both were standing there "What just happened?" Ink didn't even move as she said "I have no idea..." The two shook their skulls, coming back to their senses. Ink's attention was pulled toward Error as he let out a grumble of pain. He sat up and Ink ran to his side to help him up "you okay?" Error smiled as he nodded "¡-1'm F-fin3, th@nk5" Nightmare's attention was directed to them. He was about to ask a question when Dust walked back downstairs, holding a large bruise on his right cheek. Nightmare chuckled "what happened to you?" He received a glare from Dust as he grumbled and plopped himself down on the couch. "You know, you could have told me that Fell was dating Blue" Dust spat grumpily as he rubbed his cheek, Ink smiled and said "but if I had of told you then you wouldn't have done the dare, plus it was funny." Dust sent Ink another glare but it moved to a surprised expression when his gaze landed on Error "oh, so he's not dead. Sorry Error, thought we crushed you back there" Error glanced at Dust "Y-¥0U d-D!d!" Ink, Dust and Nightmare chucked a little as Error didn't look very happy about his potentially broken ribs. Ink giggled as she helped Error to the couch and sat him down so he was comfortable, the two smiled to each other. Their attention was dragged to the staircase as Cross walked down, with Fell, laughing as Fell held a frustrated smile which shifted to a glare when he noticed Dust again. He let out a growl as Cross was trying to conceal his laughter as he followed Fell's glare, his laughter stopped when he noticed Dust and Nightmare. A portal opened up and two pieces of paper were tossed through, Ink caught them both and read the tops out loud "To everyone except for the Star Sanses. Hmm, looks like this one's for you guys." Ink tossed the paper to Error and started reading the other one "To the Star Sanses, ha! Looks like we got one for ourselves as well." With that Ink was already up the stairs heading for the others. She knocked on Dreams door and waited for an answer, silent. She then turned to Blue's door and heard giggling, Ink knocked on the door and received a response from Blue "Who is it?!" Ink giggled slightly and replied "asparagus" soon enough Dream opened the door and let Ink in. Ink bounced into the room and held the ask up excitedly "guess what?!" The two giggled "we got an ask!?" Ink nodded vigorously and read it out loud "To the Star Sanses: on a scale of 1-10, how much would you hate yourselves if you become yandere versions of yourselves? How would you guys feel about it?" Their expressions sunk a little Dream tilted her skull "What's a 'yandere'?" Blue spoke up with a dull voice, her enthusiasm had sunken away "Dream, a yandere is somebody who is sweet and kind at first glance. But when it comes to their love they will act obsessive and violent and even at some stages be willing to kill." Dream frowned "Then I would hate myself on a scale of 10...that's terrible" Blue nodded and said "I agree but I think I'd go for a 9, I'm still me...just more...murdery" Ink had gone silent and stepped back, accidentally drawing the attention of both Star Sanses. Ink chuckled slightly "Ink?" The two asked in union, Ink started sweating. She didn't want her friends to know that she was a slight yandere but, she can't lie to them. "Y-yes?" Blue raises a non-existent brow "Ink, is something wrong?-" Ink interrupted "Yes! I can't lie to you but I don't want you to hate me..." Dream stepped closer to Ink and pulled her into a hug "Nothing you can say will ever make us hate you" Ink took a deep breath and sighed "I'm- I'm a yandere! A while ago I saw a version of Lust hanging out with Error. At first I thought that Error would just dust him but he didn't, instead he just aloud him to hang around. I guess I got jealous, I didn't even know why, I didn't know that I even liked Error. I guess I saw them getting closer and closer and that scared me. So I....I went with my gut and acted accordingly, that night I killed Lust and left no trace. Error didn't seem to care too much that he was gone..!" Ink refrained from telling them that she had killed a lot of other monster including a Blueberry. Blue and Dream shared a fear-filled reaction as their hands went up to their mouths to cover their shock, Ink became nervous again, beads of sweat started to roll down her skull. Blue then hugged Ink tightly "It's okay! We're still friends!" Ink smiles and releases a sigh of release and her gaze turned to Dream who gave her a smile and joined the hug. They changed the subject and were back to their cheery selfs.

Ask and Dare the Anti/Star Sanses [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now