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Hello my cinnamon rolls, it's been a while, sorry about that. I hope you enjoy.


R3DFAITH asks:
To Cross and Dream: Ok! Cream! Do you guys know Faith Sans? If you don't, Faith is one of your kids and I dare Cross and Dream to play pocky. And Cream? Can I get a hug?
To Ink: Hey Ink! What do you feel about FreshPaper?! *squeal* I wanted to know!

Sm0ln3ko asks:
To Cross and Dream: here are three more of your kids *gives Faith, Celex and Lucid* Oh and also, I dare Cross to sing Partners in Crime. And it's fine if you guys don't wanna sing.
To Ink and Error: Here's your other kid *give them Gradient*
To all: Play truth or dare!

Ink's Pov~

"A-another kid?" I asked out loud as I noticed RuRu walk in holding a little bundle of bones "who's is it?" I asked curiously, RuRu raised a non-existent eyebrow and shook his skull. He handed me the wee baby bones and I held him in my arms I let out a small gasp when I looked at his cute little face RuRu then spoke up "th-tH!5 ¡s Gr@dï3NT, 0uR n-n3W 50n." Errie wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my zygomatic bone, his other hand caressed Gradients right parietal bone. I smiled and kissed his cheek, a small yellow blush slid across his maxilla. It soon left when he noticed another ask I looked at it Hey Ink! What do you feel about FreshPaper?! I wanted to know! I rolled my eye lights and looked at RuRu, he looked like he was gonna kill Fresh so I spoke up "we can kill him together, if you like~?" He looked at me and smirked evilly, we both crept up the stairs, Gradient still in my arms, to Jammy's room and RuRu made a little slide so we could see in. His anger subsided and I noticed, I looked in and saw Fresh sitting on Jammy's bed while Jammy was sitting at her drawing desk. They were just talking...I still hate him, Errie then spoke "3h, I-¡-I'm c0O1 wiTh i-!7. H-h3'5 @-a DIfF3£En7 fR3-e5H, Inky? W-wE c@N g-g-G0 nOW-w." What the what?! Oh..he must of thought it was his brother, haha now wouldn't that be a predicament. I still don't like the idea of them being together but I guess there the moment. I came downstairs to be greeted by giggles, I looked around the corner into the living room to find Dream and Cross. I smirked and pulled out my phone, I pressed record because I knew something was going to happen. Suddenly Dream started singing and Cross soon joined in. (please play the song)
"You'll never takes us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never takes us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners
Partners in crime
Partners in crime
This, the tale of, reckless love
Living a life of crime on the run
I brush to a gun to paint these states
Green and red
Everybody freeze
Nobody move
Put the money in the bag
Or we will shoot
Empty out the vault
And me and my doll will be on our way
Our paper faces flood the streets
And if the heat comes close enough to burn
Then we'll play with fire 'cause
You'll never takes us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never takes us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners
Partners in crime
Partners in crime
Here we find our omnipotent outlaws
Fall behind the grind tonight
Left unaware that the lone store owner
Won't go down without a fight
Where we gonna go
He's got us pinned
Baby I'm a little scared
Now, don't you quit
He's sounded the alarm
I hear the sirens closing in
Our paper faces flood the streets
And if the heat comes close enough to burn
Then we're burning this place to the ground 'cause
You'll never takes us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never takes us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners
Partners in crime"
Wow, I had no idea Dream had this side to her, or that she could even sing like that. That's so cool, I wonder why she didn't tell me? Maybe she thought that we might want to get rid of her or that we might think that she's the bad guy. Oh, they're singing again.
"The skies are black with lead-filled rain
A morbid painting on display
This is the night the young love died
Buried at each others side
You never took us alive
We swore that death would do us part
So now we haunt you in the dark
You never took us alive
We live as ghosts among these streets
Lovers and partners
Partners in crime
Partners in crime
Partners in crime" oh my Asgore, that was amazing! I finished the recording and sent it to Cross, I heard his phone ping and I watched as he pulled it out of his pocket and a purple blush of embarrassment slid a'Cross' his maxilla, I giggled and slipped back upstairs into RuRu and I's room. I have him a smile and got into bed with him, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his warm embrace.

Cross's Pov~

I held my little Dream in my arms, enjoying spending time with her when I noticed a new ask. I read over it Ok! Cream! Do you guys know Faith Sans? If you don't, Faith is one of your kids and I dare Cross and Dream to play pocky. Wow their using our ship name, I felt warmth crawl across my maxilla and a smile crept on my face. Faith? Who- really another one... Actually that doesn't sound like a bad name. "Hey Dreamy~ what do you think of the name Faith?" Dreamy looked into my eyes sleepily and her face soon lit up "oh my stars, that's the perfect name... But what if it's a boy...?" I smiled and pulled Dream closer to me "Cross Junior is still an option~" "No!" I chuckled "I'm just messing with you. Don't worry, we'll think of something for the little baby bones." Dream smiled and nuzzles into my chest "Hey Dreamy, we've been dared to do the pocky challenge~" Dreamy's face lit up in her cute golden blush and I chuckled putting a pocky stick in my mouth, she bit the other end and adverted her eyes away from me. I smirked slightly and nibbled a little faster, I met her teeth with mine and pulled her into a passionate kiss. We parted when a piece of paper got chucked at my skull, I picked it up and un-scrunched it. Holding it so Dreamy could see it as well, she read it out loud in a slight whisper "And Cream? Can I get a hug?" "No" Dreamy giggled as I held her protectively and she said "yes of course, we would love to give you a hug." I rolled my eye lights and said "How are we supposed to give you a hug if you're not even here?" All of a sudden someone just appeared I front of us with a nervous smile, I rolled my eye lights again and Dream and I both extended our arms, offering a hug. R3DFAITH smiled brightly, gave us a hug and then disappeared. Another ask came up so I read it out loud to Dreamy "here are three more of your kids, there names are Celex, Lucid and Faith...guess that name is already taken- oh my Asgore how about the name Whipple?!" I shouted to Dream, she smiled brightly "that's the perfect name!" Suddenly three children came out of nowhere, I'm guessing this is Faith, Celex and Lucid. "He, we make cute babies~" Dreamy's face was covered in her adorable golden blush, I looked to the three of them and they were gone? They must have gone upstairs with the others "haha, now Ink needs to make four extra rooms instead of one!" I joked around, Dreamy noticed another dare and read it out loud "Oh and also, I dare Cross to sing Partners in Crime. And it's fine if you guys don't wanna sing. Can we do a duet, please?" Dreamy begged me, I sighed and nodded in agreement. Before we started I noticed one last ask "play truth or dare? Isn't that what we are already doing? Or was it what we just did yesterday? Wait was it yesterday or was it this morning? Eh, we really need to figure out a way to tell the time." I smiled and pulled my Dreamy into a hug and we got prepared to sing, good thing nobodies here to hear or see us.

(1528 words)
Feel free to leave an ask or dare at any time, have a good day or night. Goodbye my cinnamon rolls, madymoocow away!

Ask and Dare the Anti/Star Sanses [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now