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Legal class is what awaits Dan next, however he can't seem to stop his mind circling back to Phil.

Should he do something? Should he talk to him? Should he tell him he knows? There's infinite ways he could screw this up and only limited ways he could actually do some good in this situation. That, coupled with the fact that Dan is an invisible loser at this school. He can't exactly waltz up to the most liked student and begin talking about how he shouldn't commit suicide, even though Phil is the nicest person ever, other people aren't and he is sure he has limits.

Dan sighs deeply, dumping his books on his desk, resulting in a loud bang echoing around the half full classroom, startling a few fellow students who glare at him. He flops into the uncomfortable chair at his desk before letting gravity pull his head down to rest upon his pile of books.

"Uh, mind if I sit here?" is what makes Dan jolt up from his power nap and gape stupidly up at the person gesturing to the vacant seat beside him.

"Y-yeah go ahead," Dan replies, feeling his cheeks go pink as he can just picture how awful he looks right now.

Half his head of straggly curls flattened to the side of his face, a speck of drool resting on the lefthand corner of his lips, eyes etched with tiredness... But of course, Phil doesn't seem to notice, or mind for that matter.

"So, do you like legal?" Phil asks, smiling at Dan with his annoyingly perfect face and bright smile.

It kind of makes Dan dislike him, in a petty way. In Dan's perspective, Phil seems to have everything. He's intelligent, nice, happy, caring, good looking, popular. And right now, his flawless skin, crystal clear, blue eyes and lopsided smile are staring at the mess that is Dan right in his dopey face. Yet there's something beneath the skin festering and pulling him under. If the world can make someone like Phil sad enough to want to die, what does it do to people like Dan?

"Um, I guess, yeah, it's okay," Dan stammers out, wanting the floor beneath him to just give way into a void.

He feels his eyes unconsciously flick to above Phil and winces slightly at the words, deflating slightly that he didn't simply just make a mistake. Now would be a chance to talk about it to Phil, but talk how? He can't exactly say to Phil, 'hey, I know this is like the first time we've ever spoken but just wanna let you know I can see everyone's deepest secret. Don't commit suicide, life will get better.'

He's pretty sure that personally, that statement would either make him punch himself or more inspired to leave humanity behind.

Dan sighs, looking to his desk and flicking his pen between his fingers, but he can't seem to stop glancing at the words above Phil. He knows he has to do something, because how would he live with himself if he let Phil just die? But he is at loss as to what it is he should do. So much weight is constantly resting upon his shoulders, and there's nothing he can do about it.

"N-Not meaning to be rude but, w-why are you sitting beside me?" Dan asks curiously, looking over at Phil with a small smile.

"Because, you seemed kinda lonely... and asleep," Phil says, giving Dan an overly happy smile in return for his poor one, but for the first time Dan notices that it's strained.

Now, when Dan looks more closely at Phil, he notices that Phil's eyes don't seem that happy or shine as much anymore, his smile looks forced, there's dark smudges beneath his eyes and his creased, stained school uniform appears to hang loosely off his shoulders, like he's either grown thinner or his shirt has grown larger.

"Oh, well thanks I guess," Dan replies, looking down but occasionally glancing back at Phil.

"You're welcome," Phil replies, his eyes still on Dan, "so... I haven't really seen you around that much."

"Yeah, I'm kind of invisible I guess, even though I somehow seem to stand like a foot over everyone else," Dan says with a shrug.

"Tell me about it," Phil says with a small laugh and rolls his eyes, "it kinda sucks being a giant sometimes."

"Yeah, but at least I'm an invisible giant, maybe I just look like a dirty bit of wall or something with my pale skin and brown hair," Dan jokes, holding his arms out and pretending to inspect them for any invisibility.

"You seem cool Dan, I don't know why I never really talked to you before," Phil says, laughing.

"Well, I try to keep my head down I guess," Dan replies, "people don't know me and I honestly don't mind it being that way. I only have a few friends, but they're all I need. Plus, I dunno, it's just easier to be unknown."

"I wish I had a few really close friends," Phil sighs sadly.

"You could have anyone you want as your close friend," Dan replies, "I mean, not trying to state the obvious, but you're Phil... everyone likes you."

Phil smiles sadly, his gaze drifting to his desk while he plays with his hands awkwardly. Something about his posture hunches forward; his own invisible weight forcing him downwards.

"Yeah, I guess so," Phil shrugs, his tone of voice changing slightly, "but-"

"Right class, who's ready to learn?" Ms Tims exclaims excitedly from the front of the classroom, a large piece of chalk gripped in her small hand and a wide smile on her childlike features.

Silence greets her as a whole classroom of unenthusiastic teenagers look at her like she's the biggest idiot ever. Dan sighs and rests his head back on the desk, closing his eyes and willing himself to go back to sleep. He does not want to be in this classroom right now, and he's been having a nice long month of insomnia plaguing him.

Then, he feels a poke on his arm.

He looks sideways, his head still resting on the desk, to see Phil smiling at him and sliding a small piece of paper at him. Dan gives him a confused look and unfolds the slip of paper to see a sentence scrawled on it in black ink, letters all neatly printed.

you're not too invisible, I can see you. friends? ^-^

Dan smiles and flips it over to the blank side, grabbing his own pen to scrawl a message before sliding the paper back to Phil.

I'd love to :D

Dan smiles at Phil, the weight on his shoulders slightly shifting - maybe there is still hope he can save Phil Lester;

after all, the world needs the sun.

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