Chapter 1

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                       (Your POV)

Awaking at 6am, your daily chores begin. You walk outside and head towards the town shop.

  "(Y/n)! Nice to see you again. We restocked recently, just head on inside," the girl outside the shop called to you. Nodding your head with a polite smile, you gently open the door and step inside.

  "Up already, I see," the shopkeeper said in greeting to you.

  "Hello, sir. I heard you restocked?"

  "Yes ma'am, fresh from Kakiriko village."

  With a smile, you turn towards the fresh produce. Milk, eggs, some unidentifiable (to you, anyway) mushrooms, and other various food items. You grab a little bit of each thing, then head to the check-out counter. Noticing the arrows, you buy out the normal wooden ones. You're fairly good with a bow, but you use it mainly for hunting purposes. You occasionally shoot a bokoblin or two, but only if under attack.

  "That'll be 350 rupees, ma'am."

  You place the rupees on the counter and head out the door. 

  Arriving outside once again, you take a minute to look up at the sky. It was a beautiful blue with a few clouds dotted here and there. Taking in a deep breath, letting your senses pick up on everything, you head back to your house.

  Placing the newly bought ingredients on your table, you grab your bow and head out once again. A bit of wind had picked up, which could work out for or against you. You were going hunting, so you didn't want the wind to blow your scent towards your prey. You headed towards the wooded parts in front of your village.

  You had finally spot a boar after about an hour of searching. You got low to the ground, making sure the wild pig didn't hear you. Testing the air to make sure it wasn't blowing in the wrong direction, you stopped your breathing for a minute to focus completely on the wind, before picking up your bow. You place an arrow onto the string, and pull it back slightly, keeping your eyes locked on the target. As you were about to let go, a young boy stepped out and slashed the pig with a sword.

  "Dammit!" you mumble to yourself.

After a few more hours of searching and hunting, you head home with some raw meat slung over your shoulder.

                     (Link's POV)
   "I'm sorry sir, but we sold out the rest of our arrows a few hours ago," the shopkeeper explained to Link. "If you're that desperate, head over to (y/n)'s house. She bought the last few.

  After getting directions to (y/n)'s home, he headed outside and made his journey up the hill. It didn't take him long, her house wasn't far from the shop.

  He swung the door open and stepped inside. Hearing a small yelp, he looked over to the left where a girl was standing, slightly shocked at your sudden arrival.

  "Arrows?" He asked.

  "I beg your pardon?" She responded.

  "The shopkeeper said you had them. I need them."

  "Well, first of all, who are you? And why didn't you knock?"

  "Link. Knock? What do you mean?"

She stared at him with confusion, she replied with "What do you mean 'what do I mean?' why didn't you knock? You don't just walk into someone's house."

  "Why not?"

  "What-" sighing, she took a seat at her table and motioned him to do the same. He obliged, landing not so gracefully on a small wooden chair.

  "Who exactly are you? I know Link is your name, but what else?"

  He shrugged in reply, not saying a word. She sighed once again, obviously a bit annoyed by the whole situation.

                        (Your POV)
You just looked at the boy, not saying anything. He stared back with sapphire eyes, greeting you with the same silence.

  "Wait a minute. You're the boy in the woods from earlier!" You finally spoke up. "I thought I recognized you. I was about to shoot that boar when you swung at it with your sword."

  "Oh, sorry. You can have the meat if you want." He replied, slightly shifting in his seat.

  "No, no its- it's fine. I got another boar a bit after that. Anyway, you wanted some arrows? What can you give in return?"

  A slight bit of confusion swept his face before he replied.
"Give in return? I thought I could just have them."

  "I payed for these arrows, you know. I'd like at least something in return."

  "I can give you my thanks and a hug," he suggested with a puppy dog look on his face.

Finding this all very strange, and slightly ridiculous, you laughed and sat back in your chair. Throwing your hands up in defeat, you agree.

  "Only a few though. 10 will be enough, will it not?" He nodded his head eagerly in response to this. He stood up to leave with the arrows before you stopped him.

  "Excuse me sir, I do believe you have not kept up your end of the bargain," you said, eyeing him up and down.

  "Thank you very much! It really helps!" He walked over to you before you assured a hug wasn't necessary, but he wrapped his arms around you anyway. He was very warm, it felt nice. Giving in, you hugged him back before he released and went to the door.

  "Oh, is there anywhere I can stay?" he asked.

  "There's an inn just down the street. Can't miss it, it's pretty big."

Thanking you once again, he headed out the door, leaving you alone in your house once more. You looked out your window watching him, telling yourself you were only doing so to make sure he got to the inn okay. He walked in, but came out moments later and sat down next to the building. You watched a bit more, curious as to what was going on. He started setting up a sleeping bag outside before you decided to head out to him.

  "Why aren't you inside?" you questioned as you approached him.

  "They need rupees for me to stay. I don't have any," he replied sitting up at your sudden presence.

  You thought for a moment. I can let him stay at my house, just for one night. What am I saying? He's a complete stranger. But I can't leave him alone outside. Sighing, you held your hand out.
  "Come on, you're not sleeping outside."

  He looked at your hand before accepting it and rising to his feet. You helped him pack his bag again and headed to your house.

(Discontinued) Unexpected (BoTW Link x reader) Where stories live. Discover now