Chapter 8

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(Your POV)
   The next morning had come slow. You barley got a wink of sleep, you were afraid of having a nightmare once more. Link had gotten up over in the middle of the night noticing you were still awake. He had moved over and cuddled up with you, sharing the warmth of his body. You smiled at the memory from mere hours ago.

   "(Y/n), you ready to go?" Link asked.
You nodded your head as the two of you headed out into the desert. The stable workers had advised against taking the horses out into the extreme heat, so you were left pulling yourself through the deep sand. Because of this, though, it took a lot longer to get to your destination, so you had longer to chat with Link.

   "So, how long have you been on this adventure of yours?" you asked. Link thought about it for a minute before responding.

   "You know, I haven't actually kept track. Multiple weeks, at the least. Maybe a month?" He shook his head. "Yeah, no, not a month. A few weeks," he finally concluded. You nodded your head to let him know you were listening. Link decided it was his turn to ask the question.

   "What exactly did you do before you came with me?"

   "Well," you began, "not a whole lot, actually. Pretty much the same thing every day. Wake up, do my chores, walk around the village, buy the necessary equipment, ect."

   He looked at your with slight confusion.

   "Really? I thought you like went out and hunted. And stuff."

   "Occasionally, yeah. Not for fun though. It kinda sucked, haha."

   "Well, are you happier now?" he asked, looking a little bit worried.

   "Of course! I'm really enjoying seeing all these different things," you said brightly. Then adding the last part a bit quietly; "and hanging out with you."

   Link stopped in his tracks and looked at you with a smirk on his face.

   "No, don't-" you started, but it was too late.

   "Aww, does (y/n) have a cruuush?" he said in a baby voice.

   Your face became red as you desperately tried to defend yourself.

   "What? No! I just like hanging out with you!"

   Link began dancing around you.
   "I feel so honored!" he beamed. You both began laughing, a little too hard, might you add. Unfortunately, all the ruckus alerted a nearby enemy camp. Link pulled out his sword.

   "Lemme handle 'em," he said with a wink. He grabbed their weapons and threw them out of reach. They pointed and screamed before unleasing a downfall of pebbles upon him.

   "Ow! What gives?!" He covered himself with his arms before running to your side. "These guys suck. Let's just keep going."

   "Sure a tough guy, aren't ya?" you said with a friendly poke to his side.

   "Shut up."

   The both of you eventually reached a small town.

   "Really? This is Gerudo town?" Link asked no one in particular.

   "No, this is Kara Kara Bazaar," a voice said from behind us. Turning, we saw a beautiful woman dressed in armor-like gear. She was quite tall.

   "Gerudo town is further that way. She can go in. You, however," she said pointing to Link, "cannot. No voes allowed."

   "Voes? What?"

   "Men. Men cannot enter the city," she said, rolling her eyes.

   Link turned to me.
   "Well, what now?"

   "Man, I dunno! I thought you were supposed to be the smart one."

   "Psh, we both know I'm the brawn and you're the brains." You nodded you head in agreement. This was very true. Link turned his head in thought.

   "If you're the brains, and I'm the brawn... then who's the beauty?"

   "Beedle. Definitely Beedle," you said pointing to the strange merchant. You both laughed at this.

   "Okay, but, you don't actually think he's attractive, do you?" he asked.

   "Nah, he's a bit weird."

  Link seemed to almost let out a sigh of relief. You chuckled at this.

(Link's POV)
  You went off to rent some beds while (y/n) cooked food, as usual.

   "Welcome!" a very bright lady said from behind a counter.

   "Hello. Can I get two beds?"

   "Yessir! Would you like the spa plan for an extra 40 rupees?"

   You thought for a moment before nodding your head.
   "Just one, though."

   She nodded as well while you fished out the money.

   "Just come in whenever you're ready!"

   You thanked her and headed out the door.

   "Link! Just in time. The food is all ready." She handed you a plate of food you didn't recognize. You didn't care though, you knew it would taste good. Taking a bite confirmed this thought.

   "Mmmm, what is this?" You asked after savoring the flavor.

   "I'm actually not sure. I threw a bunch of stuff together, and wham. Got some food."

   After eating, you got your stuff together.

   "Hey, they had this spa plan thing when I rented some beds, so I got you one."

   "Ah, really? Oh boy, that actually sounds really good. What about yourself? You getting one too?"

   "Nah, I'm gonna wander a bit."

   She nodded her head and entered inside, immediately greeted by two Gerudo women. They all disappeared into a room, leaving you alone. You decided this would be a good time to check around with people; see if there was a way into the town. You climbed to the top of the inn to get a look around, but was instead met with a strange Hylian.

   "Oh, hello!" the Hylian said in a very strange voice. High pitched and awkward, almost as if it was forced.

   "Oh! You know, I think this outfit would look wonderful on you! Yes, I'll sell you a set for only 600 rupees~" they said, bouncing towards you.

   "Uh, no thank you. I'm good," you stated, putting your hands up in defense.

   "Oh, but you're trying to get into Gerudo town, are you not? I think this will help you out~"

   You thought about this. It actually could work. You don't necessarily have the manliest body or voice, so you could easily come off as female.

   "You know what? I'll take it. 600 you said?" you asked, digging out some rupees. Handing the payment to the Hylian, they in return gave you a set of Gerudo wear. The Hylian gave a little wave before climbing down from the roof.

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