Chapter 17

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   Ahhhh Im so sorry for the wait! Im also sorry for this chapter, it's definitely... lacking in plot. Im having some family issues, so it's a bit hard to find motivation to write. Anyway, I have a few questions for you guys! First off, should I give Y/N they/them pronouns? I definitely describe her as a female character, but if there are any males reading, I don't want them feeling left out, you know? Second, should I include fast travel in the story? I feel it would be a lot better than having chapters of them just getting from point A to point B. Lastly, should I add Wolf Link to the story? I love him so much, I feel it could be a good addition. Please let me know what you guys think, be honest! Feedback is the only way I'll be able to better improve this story (but please do so in a kind manner, I'm a sensitive little hoe, lol.)

Your POV

   "Alright, enough goofin' around for today. I'm exhausted," I stated with a yawn.
   "Yeah, fair enough. I'm pretty tired myself," Link agreed.

   We both packed up our stuff and popped on into the inn. With a glance at the bed, I stopped in my tracks. I forgot just how small those beds are.

   "Oh dear. That's small," I whined.

   "Suck it up, Y/N, you're forgetting about our size."

   I looked at him, then me.

   "Ehhhh..." He was right, I just didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being right.

   We both went to different rooms to get changed. It's cold at night, so I bought some rad sleepwear here in Kara Kara Bazaar. So comfy...

   "Y/N, you done yet?"

   I was too busy admiring the warmth of my pjs that I forgot to leave. Nice.

   "Uh, yeah, sorry."

   When I come out, Link is already sitting in the bed, doing something on the slate. What's it called? Shake slate... Sleek slate...
   I hop over and join him on the uncomfortably small bed. I must admit, though, it's considerably warmer having Link right next to me. Like I mentioned before, it gets extremely cold here at night. I'd still be cold if it was just me in the bed...
   I glance at the slate. I'm still curious about it, I know close to nothing about what the slate is for, what it can do, ect. Link notices me looking, so he turns it so I can see the screen better.

   "What's that for, anyway?" I finally ask.

   "Well," he begins, "multiple things, really. One, its a map. Whenever I activate one of those toweres, it drips some nasty blue liquid onto the slate. It's also sort of a to-do list? It basically helps me keep track of what my... 'mission' is. It has a camera, it lets me perfectly capture an image. Also, when I take a picture of something, it somehow recognizes it and gives me information on it. Super cool, amirite?"

   "You know, yeah. That is actually pretty damn cool. Can I see?" He nods his head and hands it over to me. I handle it extremely carefully, as if it might break with the slightest breath. But, then again, seeing the way Link roughly handles it, I'm sure its not THAT fragile.

   "What are these?" I ask, pointing to a glowing icon on the map.

   "Oh yeah! That's a shrine."

   "A shrine?"

   "A shrine. Yep, those weird glowy... things? Uh, the things that look like tiny houses. I can actually travel to them instantly with the Shiekah Slate," he says with a matter-of-fact tone. Sheikah Slate! I wasn't too far off from the name...

   "So, you're saying you can travel instantly to those... shrines?" I ask, bewildered.

   "Yep, thats... literally what I just said." 

   I go to touch the icon, but Link slaps my hand away.

   "Hey! Don't go traveling right now! There's no shrine in this bazaar place. The closest one is Gerudo Town, and I'm sure you don't feel like walking through the desert in your sleepwear. Mess with something else."

   "...Alright, fair point. The camera option... how does it work?" I hand the slate back to him. He happily takes the slate and shows me the 'rune.' That's what he calls it, anyway.

   "If you press this," he pokes at the slate, "it'll turn the camera around. We can take a selfie!" He sits up a bit then snaps a picture. Laying back down, he turns to the gallery. There's more pictures, mostly of areas I haven't seen before.

   "Gah! I didn't know I looked THAT bad!" I yelp. "Delete it!"

   "Pft, come on, you're fiiiine! I mean, how much better can someone look when they're about to sleep?"

   We chat a bit more about nothing before one of the staff members asks us to keep it down. Finally, I roll over and fall asleep.

   Link's POV

  Y/N fell asleep fast, but I'm stuck here staring at the ceiling. I'm still not really over the fact that she ditched me. I know she didn't mean any hard, but it still hurts. Ah well, I should get over it, shouldn't I? I close my eyes and after what feels like an eternity, I drift off into sleep.

   Am I dreaming? I think I'm dreaming. I look around. Im in a forest, one I dont recognize. Walking around, observing my surroundings, I make my way through the forest, only to be greeted with more forest. It's never ending... Yeah, must be a dream.

   I keep walking. I begin to hear a faint sob, so I cautiously sneak towards the noise. I arrive at Y/N, sitting on the ground, crying.

   "Y/N! What's wrong??" I bend down next to her.

   "M-master..." she mutters.

   "Sorry, what?" Im taken aback. Master...?

   "Master... Kohga... You killed him. It's your turn to join the clan." With a poof, she turns into one of the Yiga members.

   "Uhm..." ...What?

   She draws a weapon, then charges. I parry the attack with my shield, sending her flying. She lays on the ground for a brief moment before standing up and beginning to transform once again. Her face is pushed and pulled like rubber, extremely unnatural. Six long, spindly spider legs emerge. Now she's... a guardian?

   I jolt up suddenly and look around. Whack dream...
   Y/N is still sleeping next to me, drooling a bit. Nasty. I decide to lay back down as well, but pull out my Sheikah Slate instead of attempting sleep again. Y/N tugs at the blankets in her sleep, ripping them from me. An intense chill hits me, stunning me slightly.

   "Ah, come on...!" I whisper, still not wanting to wake her. I tug them back, welcoming the warmth with open arms. Until she steals it again.

   "Alright, nope." I reach under the bed and pull out my bag containing my clothes and other various items. Coat, coat... where is it? I look over. Y/N is wearing it. Seriously? When did she grab it? Also, how did I not see it first thing? I decide to steal hers. Pull out her bag, find the coat, put it on...

   Im too awake to fall back asleep now. Ugh, today is gonna suck. I'm planning on dealing with Mr. Humpy Camel today, so I'll have to figure out the details. I really don't want Y/N up there with me, but I'm sure she will go anyway. I dunno, I'll talk to her about it when she wakes up.

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