Chapter 12

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(Link's POV)

   Making your way towards the guard's chambers, you spot two Gorons. Were these female Gorons? Or were the guards at the entrance just as confused as you are and let them in? You thought about it for a while before remembering that maaaybe the fate of everyone is a tad bit more important than the mysteries of the Gorons.

The town is fairly small, so it took you close to no time at all to reach your destination. You peeked your head in and glanced around, noticing many beautiful, stunning, gorgeous... Come on now, man.
  The guard's chief immedietly notices you and waves you over.
   "Sav'aaq. Chief Riju has informed me of the current situation. Let me explain a bit on how to get to the Yiga Hideout. The Hideout is hidden furthar into the desert, surrounded by large cliffs and statues created by the ancient Sheika peoples. You'll want to go north-east from this town. There'll be a few enemy bases along the way, so keep an eye out. There will also be Yiga Clan foot soldiers, so keep an eye out for them, too. None of us guards have successfully entered the hideout, so unfortunately, this is all the information I can offer. Please do your best to retrieve the precious heirloom." She kept her eyes on you, waiting for a response. You simply gave a quick nod and then headed out to find (Y/N).

   You took your sweet time to search, as there were many unique shops set up in the town center. Spotting some arrows, you approached the small stand. The woman sitting behind the stand glanced at you, but said nothing. She had a variety of arrows displaid. Fire, Ice, Electric, Bomb, and your average wooden arrows.

   "How much?" you asked, gesturing towards the lot of arrows. She raised an eyebrow before responding.

  "Bomb arrows come in a pack of 20. 600 rupees. Shock arrows come in packs of ten, 140 rupees. Same for Ice and Fire. Regular arrows come in packs of 5. 20 rupees."

   "Great! I'll take one of each. Wait. Actually, one of each for the special arrows, but all the regular arrows you have." You finished off with a smile.

   "Well, let's see. 600 plus 140 is 740..." She began mumbling numbers and tapping fingers. "1,000 rupees. I have 4 packs of regular arrows." She leaned back, studying your expression. You nodded and dug out 3 golden rupees, along with 1 silver rupee. The lady looked a bit surprised. She grabbed the rupees and studied them for a minute before carefully wrapping all the arrows up for you.

   "Thank you. Have a nice day."

   "Same to you!" you replied, then resumed your mission to find (Y/N).

   After a short amount of searching, you found (Y/N) admiring the headpieces in the jewlery shop.

   "Boo," you whispered upon approaching her.

   "Link, look! These diamond headpieces provide better protection towards guardians. The ruby ones make the cold bearable by harnessing the heat from the ruby, vice-versa with the sapphire one. The topaz earrings offers protection from electricity! Then, the opal earrings make you swim faster! Last, but not least, the amber gives your defence a boost. Isn't it fascinating?" She was speaking in such a bubbly and bright tone, she was genuinley interested in these accessories. You gave a small laugh before responding.

  "Alright, alright." You turned your attention to the woman running the shop. "How much are these?"

  "Oh, let's see..." She walked closer and pointed to the amber earrings. "These are 100 rupees and 10 amber. And these-" she pointed at the opals this time, "are 200 rupees and 8 opal." She continued to explain the prices until she got to the diamond circlet. "This piece here is the most expensive, but worth it. The price is 1500 rupees along with 3 diamonds."

   "Oof, woah. Okay, definately not the diamond circlet. Too broke for that. Hmm... (Y/N), which one do you want?"

   "Link, you don't need to waste your rupees on me!" You gave her a look. She sighed and pointed towards the ruby circlet.

   "Alright. We'll take one ruby circlet and one sapphire circlet. Oh, and a pair of amber earrings." You gathered the materials and rupees then handed them over.

   "Wonderful! Let me go grab your items from the back." She dissapeared behind a door before shortly returning with three neatly wrapped boxes. You smiled and left the shop, boxes in your hands, (Y/N) at your side.

(Your POV)

   "Let's sit here for a second. I wanna try this stuff on." Link said, pointing towars some steps near a palm tree. Sitting down, Link handed you the box with a plastic ruby on it. You both unwrapped your boxes and admired the delicate gems that lie between it's support materials. For you, the circlet presented a beautiful display of some sort of metal wrapped around it's-self. Link's had a very subtle beauty to it. A ruby displayed as the feature piece surrounded by a soft but sturdy piece of twine.

   "Beautiful..." you whispered to yourself. You then glanced at Link who was opening the last box.

   "Felt you needed extra protection?" you asked, nudging him.

   "No, actually," he adjusted himself so he was sitting directly in front of you. "Thought you could use it. No offence or anything, you just don't know how to properly use certain weapons yet, so this will offer a bit of protection."

   He made a motion that you translated to him asking you to move your hair. You obliged, moving your hair from in front of your ears, then tying it up into a tight bun. He then gently placed the amber earing in your ears.

   "There we go. Well, we better head off, yeah?" Link gave you a warm smile then led the way out of the town.

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