Chapter 16

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I added a doodle I made based off the last chapter. It's like a 5 minute sketch, so don't judge too harshly lol.
If you guys ever make art of this message me on here or on Instagram (kenz.official)


Back to the story!

   Your POV

   When we arrived at Kara Kara Bazaar, Link was still upset. It's understandable, seeing how I up and ditched him. It really was stupid to think leaving him on his own to go get a stupid helmet was a good idea. He can barely take care of himself while I'm around, let alone when I'm not!

   I kept apologizing over and over to him. I really did feel bad. 

   "Link, I'm serious. It was really stupid of me, I shouldn't have left you alone in the desert. I'm really sorry, I hope you can forgive me. Really."

   He finally responded. "Y/N, stop apologizing. It was stupid, yes. But, I understand it was just a bad decision. Even though it scared the living daylights out of me, I forgive you. Please, just stop saying sorry. It's getting a tad annoying."

   "Ah, sorry- I mean, uh,"

   He let out a sigh as a smirk crept across his face. I smiled too, and let out a pig-like snort, which also got a reaction from him.

   "Nice impression!" he poked.

   "Woah woah, hey! It's rude to make fun of someone's laugh!" I crossed my arms, but couldn't help feeling relieved things were getting back on track. If Link's cracking jokes, things are going good.

   "Well, I say we rent some beds for later. Just to get it out of the way. Sound good?"

   I nodded.

   "How 'bout you go talk to Beetle, see if you can get some goods off him. I'll get the beds," I suggested. He gave a thumbs up, and we set out to fulfill our small tasks.

   "Vasaaq. What can I do for you today?" 

   "Two beds for later tonight. We'll probably check in about 11pm."

   "Ah, two beds? Sorry little vai, we've only got one open."

   I thought for a moment. I know I don't want to sleep on the ground, and I'm sure Link doesn't either. I sighed.

   "Do you think the bed can fit two people?"

   "If the other person is about your size, yes. Ah, I didn't mean that in a rude way-" she became flustered, trying to cover up what she said.

   "Ah, don't worry about it. Being small has its advantages, ya know? Anyway, I think I'll take the bed. My friend and I might be able to squeeze in it." Just the thought of trying to fit both me and Link in one of those twin sized beds made cringe, but, it could be worse. I tossed a purple rupee towards the lady, then trotted up to Link.

   "Hey! Got some news," I stated.

   "Good or bad?"

   "I'll leave it up to you to decide. I got us set up-"

   "Great! Good news."

   "Hey, let me finish! I got us set up, BUT, there was only one bed. We'll have to squeeze in one of those tiny things."

   Link let out a long and over exaggerated groan.

   "Unless you want to sleep on the ground?" I questioned.

   He groaned again, this time shaking his head.

   "Uuuughhh yourself. Did you get anything good from Beetle?"

   He let out yet another groan before responding; "Yeah, I guess. Some arrows and bugs for elixirs. I also bought some food from the other stand thingies. One of the ladies was old and a bit of a bitch. I bought all her fruit, but she just complained that she'd have to get more! Can you believe that?" He placed his hand on his hip and simply shook his head.

   "Mm, I'm sure you'd do the same, Link. Anyway, go get some elixirs cooking. I'll take a look at what all you got and see if its anything good." 

   Link's POV

   Y/N and I plopped down at a cooking pot where some other dudes were chilling. Their eyes immediately landed on Y/N. They scanned her up and down with a bit of a smirk on their faces. Y/N glanced at me, unsure what to do about it.

   "Hey guys, not cool." I finally said.

   "Hm? This your girlfriend or something? Hey girl, I can treat you better than this hag," one of them said with a wink. A rush of anger spread over me.

   "I'm sure she'd rather date a bokoblin over you," I spat. I then smacked him with the butt of my sword. What a bitch.

   The dude's buddy got up and ran, leaving his friend on the ground, holding his head.  

   I stood up, offered Y/N my hand, and walked over to another cooking pot. I ain't feeling like dealing with assholes today.

   "Thanks, Link. I've never really dealt with that, so I guess I kinda froze up."

   "No biggie. Those dudes sucked."

   After we made some dinner and some elixirs, we took a seat by the small pool of water in the middle of the bazaar.

   "Mm, it's gorgeous out here. Especially when the sun sets and it reflects off the water," Y/N said in awe.

   I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, isn't it? Hey, I've got an idea!" I pulled out the shika slate and tapped on the camera rune. I slung my arm around Y/N and put on a doofy smile while she held up a peace sign. I feel a picture like this will be nice to look at later on.

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