Chapter 9

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(Your POV)

   After the relaxing hour spa, you hear Link whisper at you from outside.

   "Hey, (y/n), can you come here?"

   "Yeah, whats- oh my god." He had on a set of traditional Gerudo wear made for women. Cute. As. Hell.

   "Holy shit Link that's so fucking cute," you said in awe.

   "Shut up! I'm not cute," he pouted.

   "Really. Fucking. Cute." You weren't lying. Of course, you found Link cute before, but even more so at this moment.

   "Question, why the hell do you have that on?" you asked, smiling the whole time.

   "Some person offered them to me for 600 rupees. I kinda look like a woman in this, so I'm thinking I would be able to sneak into Gerudo town while wearing it." This was actually pretty clever. Bravo, Link!

   "I'm impressed, I must say," you stated with a big grin. He returned the smile, taking in all the praise.
   "Alright. Let's get some sleep and head out tomorrow. But first... change into normal clothes."

   "Aw, you don't like my outfit?" he said while striking a pose. Yet another laugh forced it's way out of your mouth.

   "Of course I love it, but it's going to get cold. Can't have the hero getting sick before battle, now can we?" He finally agreed and went into another room to change. Slipping into your own sleepwear, you sit on the edge of your bed and look through your bag. You'd probably have to stock up on more food soon, you were already running low thanks to Link's never ending appetite. Feeling your exhaustion creep up on you, you lay back and close your eyes.

(Link's POV)
   By the time you were done changing, (y/n) was already fast asleep. You smiled to yourself and you got situated on your own bed, pulling the covers just under your chin. (Y/n) was right, it got extremely cold at night. Even with the blankets pilled onto you, you were still shivering.

   "Hey Link," (y/n) started.

   "Oh, hey! I thought you were asleep," you said, cutting her off.

   "Yeah, I was. It's too cold. Can I sleep with you so I warm up a bit?"

   You heart skipped a beat at hearing this. The bed was so small though, how would you both fit? You realised you were taking too long to respond.

   "Uh, Link? Did you fall asleep?"

   "Uh, no, sorry. Yeah, you can, but the bed is pretty small." She pondered after hearing this for a moment before standing up to push the bed over. It squeaked against the floor, disrupting other guests at the inn.

   "Sorry!" she whispered. By pushing her bed over by yours, it had made a queen size bed, just enough for the both of you. She climbed in bed and curled up next to you in an attempt to get as warm as possible. It was working like a charm for you. Well, you couldn't actually tell if it was her body heat that made you warm up or the intense red on your face. Luckily, it was just dark enough that she wouldn't be able to see. Her steady breathing lulled you to sleep.


   I'M SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT AAAAA!! I have a p bad case of writers block T_T I'll try to make the next chapter longer and more interesting!

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