Chapter 11

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(Your POV)

    After a few minutes, Link returned to you side.

   "Ready?" you asked.

   "Ready." And with that, the two of you left the comforts of the pitstop.

   "Gerudo women are really pretty. And tall. And pretty. If I was a lesbian I'd date a Gerudo," you blurted. You went to take back what you said, but decided against it. No reason to.

   "I agree. They are beautiful. Dunno if I would date one though, not really my type," Link replied.

   "Well then, what's your type?"

   "Hmm... I like girls who are (your height) with (y/hc). And ones who like to adventure. And cook. I mean, of  course I would cook too, I just need someone who shares my intense love  for food."

   "Oddly specific. How many girls have you met with those exact traits?"

   "Not many, actually. You'd think there would be more. Huh," Link joked. You let out a small laugh.

   "What about you, then? What's your type?"

   "Let's see," you began. "Someone who likes to cuddle. I love cuddling."

   "Hey, me too!" Link interrupted.

   "Shhhh, still talking. Short. Short is cute too. I'm a slut for blondes. Someone who listens to what I have to say, who clings on to every word that escapes my mouth. Someone who genuinely cares." You took a moment, then realized you were describing Link. Your face showed hints of pink, but not enough to be extremely noticable. You glanced at Link. Thankfully, he seemed a bit too dull to catch on.

   "And how many of those have you met?" he questioned.

   "I'd rather not tell." You knew only one, and that, of course, was Link. Oops. Oh dear. You had actually caught feelings for this childish hero. Your stomach began doing flips, making you actually a little nauseous. Or maybe it was the heat. You couldn't tell.

   "(Y/n)? You good? You're lookin a little pale."

   "Oh? Oh yeah, fine, sorry haha." Link didn't 100% believe you, but didn't dig further.

   "Ugh, how much longerrrrr?" Link whined.

   "Link, we've been gone five minutes." Hearing this made him whine louder.

   "But it's so hooooooottttt!!" For once, he was right. It was still early morning, but the scorching heat was already slapping you in the face. Beads of sweat were already rolling down your face. You looked over at Link, only to see him lying on the ground a few steps behind you.

   "Link, what are you doing?" you quiz him with your hands on your hips.

   "Taking a nap. I deserve it."

   "Ya know, the sand is hotter than the air itself." After hearing that, he jumped up and stood by your side once more. You rolled your eyes and continued forwards.

   "Hey, I think I see it!" you said, tapping Link's shoulder. Link wasted no time at all. He broke into a sprint, as if he wasn't complaining about how he was so tired just minutes prior.

   "OH MY GOD (Y/N) IT'S SO MUCH BETTER OVER HERE!" he yelled. You gathered the remaining energy you had and began to jog over to where Link was sitting. Oh man, it DEFINITELY was better. Just standing by the enterence gave off a nice, cool atmosphere. You slumped down next to Link, letting your bag fall to your side.

   "How long were we walking?" Link asked between breaths.

   Glancing at the sun, you estimated your journey time. Laughing, you replied; "10 minutes."

   He stared at you in disbelief then let his mouth run wild.

   "10 minutes my ass! That was at least an hour."

   One of the Gerudo guards heard us talking and pitched in.

   "You two came from Kara Kara Bazaar, correct? About 15 minute walk from here to there."

   You swerved your head back around at Link and gave him an 'I told you so' look. He crossed his arms and let out a little 'hmph.'



(Link's POV)
   After resting for a few minutes by the enterence, you and (y/n) gathered your stuff and headed inside the bustling town. At first, you were worried you'd get caught. But, after people not even offering a second glance, you shooed the feeling away.

   "Alright," you said, turning to (y/n). "I'll go find the chief, you can stock up on supplies. Sound good?"

   "I would argue, but I'm sure I would just stand there awkwardly if I were to come with." You gave her a smile and turned towards your new destination.

   You actually didn't know for sure where the chief was, but assumed the grand doorway with guards blocking the way in miiiiight be a clue. So, you headed over. You took a moment to look around, something you don't do often enough. The sun was still rising, seeing as you had only woken up about thirty minutes ago. The sun's rays peeked through the looming palm trees, creating the perfect scenery. You looked at it a moment longer before taking your shieka slate and snapping a picture; something to remind yourself of the adventure you had here. Content with the outcome, you slid the tablet back onto your hip and continued inside.

   You had thought the guards at the doorway would stop you, but they did nothing but glance in your direction. Huh. Maybe this was going to be easier than you had originally thought.

   "HALT! Do not take a step further. State your business or leave." Okay, maybe not easier.

   "Calm yourself, Buliara. You there. What is your name?"

   Feeling a sudden overwhelming along if nervousness, you stuttered your words.

   "I-t's Like. No, Link. Not like. Link." Oh dear.

   The small woman seated upon the throne let out a small laugh before continuing.

   "Well, Link, it seems you have something rather interesting there," she said, motioning to the slate resting on your hip. You instinctively put your hand on the stone tablet, which resulted in another small laugh from the woman. You explained to her why you were there and that you could indeed claim Naboris. She thought about this before giving a response.

   "I am Riju, chief of the Gerudos. If what you are saying is true, I will do everything in my power to aid you on your quest."

   "Riju, is it really so wise to let a complete stranger-" Buliara began, but was cut off by the chief.

   "Does our friend here not resemble the champion of legend from 100 years ago? He has the slate of the Sheikas and fits the description." You tensed up at the word 'he'. They had figured you out, what would they do? Noticing your tension, Riju reassured you your secret was safe with her. Buliara did not like this whole predicament, but agreed anyway.

   "I would have us leave immediately to calm the beast, but, unfortunately," she paused, looking at the pedestal next to her, "members of the Yiga clan have stolen the precious heirloom. I can only be of assistance with the missing helm. Find the missing thunder helm." She turned to Buliara. "Let's call it a test to see if you are indeed who you say you are." She returned her gaze back to you and rested her head on her hand. "Talk to Teake, captain of the guards. She will tell you where to go next."

   With a nod, you gave a small bow and headed towards your next destination.

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