Chapter 4

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(Your POV)

  After the failed attempt at a joke, you kept your mouth shut. Holy fuck that was embarrassing. You looked around at your surroundings, talking it all in. It's what you came for, after all. Most of it was like what you saw in Hateno village, but you'd eventually see bluer skies and greener grass. You took a deep breath in, picking up on the smell of the flowers you past. It felt good. It felt good to be out in the open, enjoying what was meant to be enjoyed.

   "Uh oh, bokoblin trouble up ahead. It's an orange one, I can take care of it," Link said whilst slowing Epona slightly.

   "No reason to get off Epona, I can hit him from here with my bow."

   "But there's a person there, you might miss and hit them."

   You ignored his concerns and pulled your bow back. You silently aimed, then released the arrow through the air. It found itself right in the back of the bokoblins head, just where you had hoped for it to land.

   "Haha, nice!" You whispered to yourself. You weren't proud of a lot of your traits, but your skill in archery was definitely one you admired.

   The man running looked back at hearing the bokoblin scream.

   "Oh, thank you! Thank you thank you! Oh, I don't have a lot, but here." He handed up some sort of elixir, one you weren't familiar with.

   "Ooh! Speed! Thank you, sir!" Link beamed. He gratefully took the bottle and placed it in his bag.

   "What are you doing out here without any gear to protect yourself?" you questioned.

   "Well, I'm a merchant. No good at fighting. I usually have my buddy with me, but he went off to get some materials to set up camp. He should be back soon," he replied.

   You nodded your head as Link urged Epona forwards. You waved him goodbye as he disappeared from sight.

(Link's POV)

   "Impressive skills, (y/n)," you said.

   She lit up a bit at hearing this. A wide smile stretched across her face.

   "I am pretty proud of it, if I do say so myself."

   "Hey, speaking of skills, when will you teach me to use a bow?"

   "When we have time," was all she replied with. You nodded your head and kept the journey going.

   Looking up at the sky, you had estimated it was around 8. Epona deserved a rest, and (y/n) seemed exhausted. She hadn't said a thing for a chunk of the ride.

   "Alright. We'll stop here for the day," you said, turning around. She was asleep, leaning against you. This was pretty cute. You moved some of her (h/c) hair out of her face, then proceeded to pick her up off Epona. You were under a canopy of trees, perfect for a camp. You placed her down, gently letting her lean against a tree while you got sleeping bags set up.

   Soon enough, you had a fire going and two sleeping bags laid out. (Y/n) had woken up just long enough to get into her bag before she fell asleep once again. You listened to the fire crackle before sleep took hold of you.


(Your POV)
Waking up, you realized you yourself had slept in. You almost never did this, so you knew you were indeed exhausted yesterday. You glanced around, taking in the surrounding scenery. Epona, a stack of wood which you assumed to have been the campfire, Link, trees, Link again- You found yourself staring at him for a bit. He looked different in his sleep. Slightly conflicted, it seemed. You shrugged it off, and stood up to get breakfast made.

   You didn't want to waste the ingredients you brought already, so you took a look around. It wasn't very hard to find foods suitable for a meal. You found an abandoned bee's nest full of honey and quite a few apples. You slightly cooked each ingredient until you had a delicious smelling honey apple.

   You hadn't even realized Link was awake, so this startled you slightly.

   "Oh my god Link, give me some sort of sign that you're awake before just blurting out," you sighed, handing him a makeshift plate with his meal on top. He licked his lips and immediately dug in. You passed some water over to him, than began on your own food. You had to admit, it was pretty damn good for some things you found around the woods. You smiled in satisfaction as you took another bite of the delicious apple.

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