Chapter 6

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(your POV)
   Rubbing your head, you sit up and look around. A girl immediately walked up to you and offered her assistance. Taking her hand, you slowly stand up.

   "Are you alright miss? Can you walk?"

    "I believe so, yes. Thank you."

    "Your friend is outside by the cooking pot, he requested you to go to him when you awoke."

   You nodded your head and hobbled over to the cooking pot. Link looked up at your sudden presence, then greeted you in his arms.

   "Uh, Link?"

    "I thought your injuries were a lot worse. You got lucky, you know," he mumbled into your shoulder. You gave in, quite enjoying his embrace. He then helped you sit down and handed you a plate of food.

    "Woah," you said taking a bite. The flavor was absolutely amazing. "Who made this? I want to thank them."

    A smirk crept across Link's face.

   "You're welcome."

   "You didn't make this. No way," you said taking another bite.

   The pride was definitely apparent. You were quite shocked. You had assumed he wasn't very good with food, but this definitely proved you wrong. You are in silence after this, Link glancing at you every once in awhile. He seemed impatient. Noticing this, you ate a bit quicker, not wanting to keep him waiting for whatever it was he needed to do.

   "Okay, follow me," he said while you took your last bite. Following him behind the stable, the horse you previously attempted to tame stood there. He looked a bit irritated.

   "Holy shit! You caught him?"

   "Yep! And he's all yours," Link replied, beaming.

   You started towards him but then stopped in your tracks. You were a bit scared of him. As if he read your mind, Link comforted you.

   "It's okay, he won't kick you again. I haven't tamed him completely, but I got him to be more passive towards people. Here, give him these apples. It might help a bit." He handed you two apples as you slowly began to approach the steed once again. He seemed a bit nervous, but all that disappeared once he got sight of the treats in your hand. He happily trotted over to you before snatching the apples a little too aggressively.

   "Woah there bud, bring it down a bit..."

   You reached your hand out and began to pet him, admiring the smooth texture of his fur.

   After getting the horse to trust you, you led him over to the front of the stable to register him.

   "Hello there! Looks like you caught yourself a new steed. Would you like to register it?"

   You eagerly nodded your head.

   "Wonderful! We have a 20 rupee fee. This will register the horse and get you a bridle and saddle. Is that okay?"

   You once again nodded your head, digging 20 rupees out of one of your many pockets. The man took it happily, then continued with his speech.

   "Thank you kindly! What would you like to name him?"

   You thought for a moment before continuing.


  Link, who was standing behind you, burst out in laughter.

   "Buddy? That's the most unoriginal name I've ever heard!" He continued laughing. You turned around and glared at him before confirming your decision.

   "Yes. Definitely Buddy."

(Link's POV)
   You continued to pester (y/n) about the name she had chosen once you were again on the road.

   "You know how many people I've met with some sort of animal named Buddy? Lots! So many I can't even count!"

   "Oh, shut up. I like it," she said, crossing her arms. Buddy shifted just enough to make (y/n) lose her balance, nearly falling off. You giggled at this, and then continued teasing her.

   "If I had a rupee for everything I've seen named Buddy," you started counting your fingers, "I'd be rich! I'd be able to buy Hyrule Castle from Ganon himself!"

   (Y/n) ignored this and urged Buddy to move a little faster.

   You both continued on the trail until nightfall. The horses were tied, you were tired, and (y/n) was definitely tired. She could barely keep her eyes open.

   "Alright," you started, your eyes settling on an overhang, "let's set up camp there." You pointed and (y/n) nodded, not even bothering to look up. You laughed a little, then steered the horses in the direction of the overhang. It was only about a 2 minute walk to it, it wasn't far at all. You helped (y/n) down from Buddy and got a campfire started. You sat on a log in front of it while (y/n) joined you, reaching for some ingredients.

   "I've got it. I'll just making something quick and easy," you said taking the food items from her gentle hands. You cooked some mushrooms and meat before slapping them on a stick. Quick, but easy. It was actually pretty good. (Y/n) finished eating quickly, then sat down beside you once more.

   "Tell me about your adventures before you met me," she commanded.

   Nodding your head, you began.
   "I woke up in some chamber-like area. I heard a voice telling me to get up. I was very confused, seeing as I had just woken up in an unknown area. There was some sort of stone tablet that the voice refered to as a 'Sheika Slate.' She commanded me over to the stone, then to hold it up to a stone to open the doors. I obliged, not knowing what else to do." You continued telling your story before you felt her lean up against you. Glancing down, you saw she had fallen asleep already. You smiled as you gently moved some of her (h/c) hair out of her face. You carefully grabbed a blanket in your backpack and slowly leaned backwards, making sure not to wake her. You then draped the blanket over the both of you before taking only moments to fall asleep, too.

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