Chapter 2

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I didn't know where I was going particularly but I ran, I ran where ever my legs would carry me. I ran for what seemed like for hours, my mind thinking about what my mum was going to react like when she realized I was gone, and how my brother would react. What if he hated me for leaving him with our so called mum. She wasn't our mum, she was biologically, but she wasn't in every other way. She didn't do what mum's were meant to do. She abused her children. She caused the hurt, the pain. She is the main reason of why I'm running. Of why I want to get out of this place.

I stopped, not being able to run any further. The bruises on my legs caused me so much pain, and until now I'd ignored it. I sat down on the floor, against a wall, and I grabbed one of my rucksacks, the one with food and drinks in it, and I took a large sip of my water and I got a cereal bar out, eating that quickly. I closed my bags, clung onto them tightly and brought my knees up to my chest once again, and sunk my head into them.

I don't know how long I was asleep exactly but when I woke there was a young male staring at me. His green eyes locking with mine. I yawned, and looked at him. He had black hair that was quite long and a cute face. He looked quite tall and I could see his abs through his shirt, and some dark jeans. He was beautiful.

"H-hey.." I muttered. Normally I wasn't this shy but for some reason he made me nervous. I let my knees drop down to the ground and realized where I was. I grabbed my bags and pulled them to my side protectively.

"Hello," he spoke, and his voice was just perfect. "I didn't mean to wake you or anything. I just saw you sleeping here and couldn't help myself but look to see if you were alright," I nodded, not feeling alright, but knowing that if I told him that then he would worry about me. I wasn't one for people worrying about me, and I wasn't one for making friends either.

"Well I'm fine.." I could hear my voice, and how pathetic I sounded. He sat right beside me and I shuffled away uncomfortably. He didn't look like he was convinced by my pathetic I'm fine, but he didn't make me talk about it, which I was very grateful of.

"So, do you wanna grab a drink? You like look you need one," he spoke, smiling softly, and I nodded. He got up and I followed suit. I took my rucksacks and threw them over my shoulder, before walking beside him. "So, what's with all the bags?" He asked, and I looked down at the ground. Did I really want to talk to him about all this? I barely even knew him, but I guess telling someone I was never going to see again wasn't going to do much harm. I told him how I'd finally took up the courage to run away from my mum and her abusive behaviour, and I said that I wasn't really sure where I wanted to go, but I knew that it was going to be far away from her. He listened carefully to what I had to say, and I asked me a few things as I continued.

After I'd finished I could see that he really didn't know what to say, but he finally found his voice. "I'm so sorry, I sure would have done the same if I was in your position. Well since you don't have anywhere to stay.." He paused. "Do you wanna stay at mine till you have enough money to get somewhere to live?" I looked up in shock, did he really just say that? I don't even know the guy. I bit my lip nervously. I wanted to go, but then I didn't. He was basically a stranger to me.

"I'll have to think about it," I muttered and he nodded, understanding. We soon got to a little cafe and I looked up at it. It was nice and welcoming, and there weren't that many people in it either. He walked over to the door and opened it, thanking him I walked through and found a table. I dropped my stuff beside my chair and waited for him to sit down. He sat opposite me and smiled, grabbing a menu, looking through it before handing it over to me. I quickly looked through it and picked what I wanted. A hot chocolate. Yum.

After a little while we were sitting drinking our drinks, and I had my hot chocolate and he had a coffee. It was nice having the company, someone to have a nice talk with about anything really, and eventhough I was quite nervous he could see that and he continued to make me feel better by making the conversation less awkward.

"So have you thought about staying at mine?" He asked me. I mean I'd been thinking about it throughout the whole duration of our conversation. What if something happened to me? But then I realized that nobody would particulary care if something bad were to happen.

"Yeah, I think I'll give it ago for one night and then see what happens," I mumbled, knowing that he'd heard me and he smiled. Well, what was the worst that could happen? I stood up and took my bags with me, following him as he walked towards the exit. I realized something. "Oh yeah, one more thing.. I'm Jace."

"And I'm Isaac."

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