Chapter 25

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The next few days were hell. After I got told about my brother's death, I slowly crumbled more and more throughout the hours of each day. I didn't sleep for days, and when I tried to, more images of my brother would haunt me. Isaac told Kane that we'd be gone for a few days and he understood. My dad, Isaac and I all flew to Mum's place, whilst Nate stayed at home to look after Amelia. When we got to my old house, I refused to look at my mother, but instead I dragged Isaac to my old bedroom, locked the door and cried into my pillow continuously.

I couldn't stand to look at my mother, I didn't care about her. I had lost my brother, and she had probably been involved in it. Isaac held me in his arms whilst I cried into his chest, struggling to breathe. I didn't want to be with anyone other than Isaac. We had to fly over here for Luke's funeral, otherwise we'd still be in our apartment.

There was a light knock on my bedroom door, and I sniffled before getting up and heading to the door and unlocking it. My Dad stood there, looking at me, his eyes slightly red.

"Your mum wants to see you." He told me and I nodded before dragging myself down the stairs, leaving Isaac in my bedroom still. I walked into the living room where my mum was sitting on the couch. She looked up at me, a disappointed look in her facial expressions and eyes. I sat down on one of the arm chairs, whilst my Dad walked in and took a seat on the other chair. There was a very awkward silence between us, which none of us could ignore, but soon my Mum broke it.

"I'm sorry Jace." She said before sniffling, looking down at the floor, and for once she sounded sober. I didn't say anything though, as I couldn't say it was okay, since it was far from that, and I didn't know what else to say. I just nodded, biting my lip to stop myself from crying any more than I had.

"I know what I did was unforgiveable and so wrong, and to treat you and your b-brother like I did, that was the biggest mistake of my life, and I'm so sorry about that. I don't blame you that both you and your father left.. and that L-your brother did this to himself.. I didn't believe it at first, since there was no official s-suicide letter.. but it was obvious." She explained, not able to say to Luke's name properly. She really did sound apologetic, but I didn't know if I could forgive her for the 16 years of abuse.

My Dad coughed awkwardly, making me realise that he was still in the room. I looked at him. "Look son, I know you've had a hard life, but you need to forgive your mother and I. We need to move on from that, because what happened there has caused this." He said, and I nodded. I guess he was right. We'd all caused this in some way or another.

"Okay. I forgive you, Mum, for the way you treated us, and I forgive you too, Dad, for leaving us." I got up from the arm chair, then headed back upstairs. I walked down the hall, past my bedroom, and walked over to Luke's bedroom. I just stood in front of the closed door, staring at it, whilst more and more tears built in my eyes.

I didn't know how long I'd been standing there, staring at the door, till I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I instinctively flinched, but when I realised who it was, I leaned back against his body, letting more tears fall down my cheek. He leaned his head down and whispered into my ear.

"It's not going to change what's happened, baby. Come on, it's getting late and you've not moved from here in about an hour and a half." I nodded, before turning around and facing Isaac.

"H-he can't be gone.. He just can't." I whispered, hearing the weakness in my voice, before I buried my face into Isaac's chest. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, letting him carry me to my bedroom. He lay me down on my bed, and I curled up into the smallest ball I could make.

"Do you want anything to eat babe?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled before crawling under the blankets and wrapping them around my body as tight as I could.

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