Chapter 11

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 *Jace's Point of View*

 I waited till Isabel and Isaac had finished their talk and stood at the other side of the door still in my thoughts. I couldn't think straight but I had to at least try and that's what I did despite how much I desperately wanted to see Isaac. I had to stay strong for him and I had to let him know that I was going to be here for him no matter what.

I was soon interrupted by my thoughts by Isabel walking out of the door. She turned to me and smiled softly.

"You can go in and see him. The doctors have said that he might be able to be leave in the next few days but it depends." She told me and I nodded before hugging her.

"Thank you. I'll tell Isaac to give you my number and we can stay in touch. You seem really nice." She hugged me back and then nodded.

"Alright, see ya." She said before walking away. I opened the door of the room and walked in to where Isaac was laying. He had a smile on his face as he saw me and I sat down on the chair beside him, smiling a little also.

"How do you feel?" I asked. I was worried about him and well I was going to do anything I could to help him and make him feel better. For some reason, since this had happened I felt a lot closer to him, and I was a lot more concerned about him.

"Okay. I mean, I'll be fine. How about you?" He asked with a little smile.

"Yeah I'm alright. Well whilst you know you were here, I packed most of the apartment up into boxes and I met your boss.." I trailed off and looked at him. His eyes wide with shock and I knew this wasn't good.

 "What happened?" He muttered, but I heard him clear as day.

 "It's nothing Isaac. I don't want to worry you. I sorted it out and well once you're out of the hospital then we're moving to that apartment that we were having a look at. I rang the estate agent and they said it was fine to move into. We just have to go and collect the keys and it's all ours. Isn't that great?" I wanted to change the subject so much. I needed to. I couldn't bear to think about what his boss could have done to and I thought that Isaac definitely didn't want to be reminded of it either. He didn't want to talk about it, and well I was fine with that, it was his choice not to talk about it and I should respect that.

"Yeah Jacey. That's great. Thank you for doing this. It means a lot." He said with his usual smile and I smiled back. I took his hand and sandwiched it in between both of mine, watching my hands as I did so.

 "Anything for you." I said without thinking, and he blushed lightly. I leaned over and kissed his cheek and he smiled. It was nice to see him this way, not in pain but actually happy.

 It had been 3 days since then and the doctors had told me and Isaac that he'd be able to leave the hospital very soon. The majority of his wounds were doing well and he was soon to be back to normal, although the doctor's did advise that he be careful. When I'd been sent home every night I packed everything in his apartment into boxes and hired a moving van as well, which I'd booked for a day after Isaac was due to leave the hospital. We'd not mentioned his boss again and I certainly didn't want to, I suppose he felt uncomfortable talking about him and I did too in a way. His sister had visited a couple of times but unlike the first time I was able to sit in the room and listen rather than wait outside. She was a nice girl but she had a lot to say.

 I was currently at the hospital with Isaac as he sat up on the bed, looking at me, as I sat on the chair beside him.

 "Jacey?" He whined, stretching the 'e'.

 "Yes Isaac."

 "When can I go home?" He asked, pouting a little as he did so.

 "Should be today, I'll go ask the doctors." I said before getting up and heading to the reception. I asked the woman where the doctors would be for Isaac and she said they would check on him soon to see how he was doing. I nodded before returning back to Isaac, sitting cross legged and looking up at me as I entered the room. I sat beside him and looked at him. "They doctor should be here soon to check how you are then you should be able to leave dependant on what they say" He nodded and looked at me.

 "Alright, I hope I'll be able to get out of here soon, I can't wait to get home." He said and smiled softly. I leaned over and kissed his cheek softly before whispering in his ear.

 "I can't wait either." I said before moving away as the doctor walked into the room. He walked towards the bed and sat on the edge of it, asking Isaac questions whilst scribbling onto his clipboard.

 After a few minutes the doctor had told us that Isaac was alright to leave, just that he needed to be careful. I smiled, wanting to hug the doctor but refraining from doing so. It wasn't appropriate to, so I just needed to keep my happiness under control. I really couldn't wait till he was home, I really missed him there, and it was so lonely at night.

 The doctor had left and Isaac and I were starting to get ready to leave. I'd help him pack all of his stuff and I was helping him up out of his bed, trying to be there if he needed anything at all.

 "You know, you really don't have to do this. I'm sure I can manage." He said to me as I helped him get up from the bed, one of my arms wrapped around his waist to help him up.

 "I want to." I replied back as he started to walk. We walked outside and rang up a taxi to go back home, and soon enough it was here and we were throwing his stuff in the boot and driving back to the apartment.

 Once we got back I took Isaac's bags into the lift and helped him along taking him back to his apartment. I unlocked the door and told him to sit on the couch whilst I put his bags back into the bedroom. He did so, and then I joined him once again on the couch.

 "How are you feeling?" I asked, obviously concerned about him, watching his every move as he looked around the box filled apartment, gaping at what I'd done. I guess he wasn't expected that I'd put the entire apartment's contents into boxes in a matter of days but I was determined to move out with him and I wanted it to be done as soon as possible.

 "I'm alright, just tired." He spoke, looking straight at me. "I couldn't sleep much in the hospital. I've never been able to."

 "Come on, let's go to bed then." I suggested and he nodded in reply before getting up off the couch. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?"

 "If you don't mind, can I have a hot chocolate?" He asked, turning to face me, pouting slightly. "Please."

 "Of course you can." I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "Let me know if you need anything else." He nodded before I walked to the kitchen.

 I began to make his drink as I began to think. I just couldn't get it clear into my head. He was like my best friend already after the short while of knowing each other. I could tell him anything, well just about. I wanted to talk to him about everything and I wanted him to feel the same way towards me. I didn't know what was going to happen if we ever got into an argument. I think that would be so bad for me. I wouldn't know where to go. I wouldn't want to go back to her. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I wanted to be this close with him forever.

 I was developing a large crush on him and it was becoming stronger by the day, and this was a problem. I knew that he was gay, but what if he didn't feel the same way towards me? What if I was just some kind of a joke to him? I didn't know him all that well but I was determined to find out more, to find out everything I needed to know, and to find out exactly how he felt about me.

 I finished making his drink and headed back into the bedroom to find Isaac already in bed, his eyes closed as the blankets covered his body. I placed the hot chocolate on the bedside cabinet before I kissed him lightly on the cheek and walked over to the other side of the bed. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at me.

 "Sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you up." I muttered.

 "I was only resting my eyes." He said sleepily, and slowly began to sit up. He sat with his bare back against the headboard and reached over to grab his hot chocolate. He winced ever so quietly but managed to get it without hurting himself any more. He lifted the drink up to his lips and took a long sip as I began to take my shirt off, sitting on top of the covers next to him. I looked at his chest and there was a small scar but it wasn't anything too bad. I smiled softly and moved myself closer to him, wanting to comfort him as much as I could.

 "Thank you." He said and I nodded, laying my head gently on his shoulder.

 "You're welcome." I said, before he placed his drink back down on the bedside cabinet and lay back down, placing his head on the pillow whilst my head stayed on his shoulder. I closed my eyes as I began to fall asleep, keeping cuddled into him closely.

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