Chapter 18

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So far, today had been going pretty well, and everything had gone to plan. We were at the park, and by we I mean me, Isaac and Kane, because we'd decided that we'd look for jobs afterwards, since it was still quite early in the morning and we were all quite tired still.

I liked spending time with these two, not only because they were the only people that were my friend but I could be myself around them and I was so glad about that. They understood me and my actions, they didn't judge me and they seemed to really care about me, and nobody is my life has been like that towards me.

So at the moment, I was sitting on Isaac's lap with my legs around his waist and my head was on his shoulder, whilst I looked at Kane as him and Isaac talked. They were just having a casual conversation, just like how everyone was, stuff similar to that, whilst I picked at the grass with my hand that wasn't wrapped around Isaac.

"So, when we go job hunting, what kind of jobs are you looking for?" Kane asked me and I shrugged.

"Just something that doesn't have ridiculous shifts, and is enjoyable." I replied with, which was the complete truth, since I didn't want something that I wasn't able to see Isaac much with, and I'm predicting that's what Isaac wanted to. Kane nodded and then stood up from the grass.

"Let's go now, I think it might be better than going later when there's a lot of people in places." Kane told us, and we agreed.

I climbed off Isaac's lap and stood up, waiting for him as I held my hand out. He got up and took my hand, interlocking our fingers together. I smiled, following Kane, as I stood beside Isaac.

As we walked to our first destination, I looked around, taking in everything that I could see. There were birds nests in all the trees, that surrounded a part of the park that we were walking through, and the branches shaded the majority of the path, which was in between small bushes and flowers.

I held Isaac's hand, as we walked behind Kane, following him, as we weren't as comfortable walking around here, as he was. We walked out of the park, and arrived at a main road. We now stood opposite all the shops, that we'd been to once or twice each, and there was a large supermarket at the far right.

"I think a lot of shops here having a lot of job vacancies, so we could start at one end and work our way across." Kane told us, which we agreed on, and headed to the first place on the left.

After about half an hour, we had been to the majority of the shops, apart from maybe three or four, which were heading to now. We walked into a shop, that sold mechanical items, and headed over to the cashier, to see about job vacancies.

"Hey Kane, long time no see." The man behind the till said, smiling at Kane before looking at Isaac and I, giving us the same warm smile.

"Oh hi Mike. I didn't know you worked here." Mike, the guy at the till nodded.

"Yeah, I've been working here for about three months, or around there now." He said, keeping his eyes completely on Kane.

I looked at him, studying everything about him from his appearance. He had short cut brown hair, that was styled using hair gel, which gave it a perfect quiff. He had quite a small face, with a small amount of freckles on his cheeks, that when he smiled, it showed his dimples perfectly. He had bright white teeth, that looked to have been straightened with braces. He wore a blue overall, that was oil stained in several areas, and he was quite attractive, but he wasn't as attractive as Isaac.

"So do you wanna come?" Isaac asked me, disturbing me from my thoughts, and I frowned a little, confused as to what he was talking about.

"Come to where babe?" I asked.

"Haven't you been listening in the last minute? Mike was just saying that he was having a party tonight, and wondered if we wanted to go." He explained to me, and I nodded.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun." I said, and smiled at Isaac.

"Well we better go, but we'll see you later Mike. It was nice seeing you again." Kane said, before smiling at Mike, and walking out the door. Mike gave me a small wink, that I only seemed to notice, and we walked out, completely forgetting about the purpose we went there.

We went to the other shops, where nothing eventful happened, and then headed home. It wasn't a long walk home, but it did feel like that because I was getting really tired. I yawned occasionally, wrapping my arm around the back of Isaac's waist, leaning into his side. We didn't need to talk whilst we walked, as there was a comfortable silence between us.

We arrived at the apartment block, and headed back to our places, as we'd agreed that we would stay there till around 9pm when we would head off to Mike's house, where the party would be.

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