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Sometimes we feel stranded.
With no way to move foward and set sail.
All we see around us are the same old things and the same old scenery.

In that moment we start feeling lost even if we are at a place that we are so familiar with.
Slowly we start falling into a state of complete stand still.

Ready for some change in our life we try to move foward and set of into the sea and leave the shore behind.

But we can't, we're held back and anchor to something.
Be it by an old relationship, an old friendship
Or an old dream.

But truth be told if a man truly desires to discover new oceans he must first lose sight of the shore.

We can't ever sail if we're still stuck on land.
I know it's dificult to just forget the past.

The thing is you aren't supose to forget it, just overcome the obstacle that it present.

You can always grab a few souvenirs in the form of memories and lessons before you raise the anchor and set sail into the horizon, where there will be plenty of oceans wanting to be discovered.

Just remember that eventhough you can bring some souvenirs, you can't bring the land it's self aboard the ship.
Some things must be left behind when you are trying set sail.

-by a captain on stuck land

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